The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)

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The Miami Heraldi

Miami, Florida

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Flew The Coop? Let Us Help You Locate Your Lost Parakeet Dial FR 9-3711 Mrs Tutan Sr Of Tutan Motors Exclaimed "Wonderful Results If It Wasn't For The Herald We Wouldn't Have Found Saturday February IS 1958 THE MIAMI HERALD LOST aqua and gray ptrake'k Virkt Mall and Ceilinl 00 Re Ward Tutan Sr 61- FOR HOMES TOR HOMES FOR HOMES FOR HOMES FOR HOMES FOR HOMES TOR HOMES TOR SR1E-H0MES FOR HOMES NORTHWEST NORTHWEST NORTHWEST NORTHWEST NORTHWEST H1ALZAH HIALEAH MIAMI SPRINGS SOUTHWEST IE tin BtDROOM 2 bath CBS hast S15 000 FL 8-0412 MW CBS 3 beoroom 1 bath 2 STORY CBS but money ms1 BY OWNER 3 bedrnom CBS kitchen hardwood floor root (trio PL 7-4741 2 BEDROOM CBS mail TU 8-0422- 2 BEDROOM 1 ba'h ronm in beautiful 180 Down $85 month NIELSEN REALTY Oil living Norwood NA 1-0711 to sii 85o' io34o ir w'jsf iprv 'sM? i No 2nd Mortgage 1 Ct Open all day Sat and Sun 000 rash Assume $3 500 mort- NEW 3 or 4 bedroom 2 bath CBS 540 SOUTH DRIVE 1 MORTGAGE OPEN 1 TO $PM FLAGLER corner 3 bed 2 BEDROOM CB8 large Florida room car porte porch SU 91 room A'ktn $14 500 partly pu-n total FRONK Realtor MO 6B52i Hftr jl Oratton ReaUor 3625 I Houses for $11 $00 Sea FORCED Rale 3 beautiful homes CBS 3 bedroom 2 hatha 3 bedrooms 1 bath 10200 31it Ava MU 8-2640 new take at A'l'r 5i0 month voker 2139 Jhth Bt Ave NE 5-6701 INfOMf? SSO r'r loraiedl i 500 DOWN in OrorUnd HrlrhU near bu (3 BEDROOM CRS AUanattah Hurty lor thi food buy MO "flV lirn' Oeo A Beat Ae Assoc FR 15th Ava NE 5-6701 PUGH HAS A HOME FOR Retired Couple OPFN HOTT8E I TO 5 560 42ND 6T Translerred to West Coast Must sell at cast 1 year new 3 bedroom 2 hath carporte hardwood Doors new eo-piiances close to everythin! 566 month NIELSEN REALTY 1-0711 $690 DOWN homes Move right in NO CLOFINO CO8T8 PRICE $13 495 1 LOW monthy payment $87 50 hich pay interest and principal- model homfs opfn 10TH AVE AND 31RD FT BY BEL-CLAR BUILDERS $400 CASH NFW 3 bedroom CR5? Florida room NEW 3 bedroom 2 bath Florida room 2 car garage on Baa Lake oaved drive lullv Homes 920 Meadow OPEN 1-5 Circular drive FURN KITCHEN 'low DOWN i 'yr Buy today today LOW MONTHIW 2ND AVE Thu home mere Lark Ava DECORATED dream I bedroom CBS lik new til hath with colored fixtures formica wallpaper kjitrhen Furn JN0700 byCBg SMALL DOWN No nualUvirf or doling coatf optional Owner W1 5-1453 LOVELY 3 bedroom hath' CBS car oorte hardwood floors House vacant 5 months new Immediate occupancy Total $1 700 7TH AVFNUE REALTY 14647 7th Ave Mil a MU 8-2231 CLOSE IN FLAGLER A LOVELY HOME WITH FILTER SWIMMING FOOL 2 BEDROOM CBS tilg roof hardwood floors FuU site dnug room Florida room garage Only 6 years old Large feared lot with sprinkler avtra Total less than $19 000 Call HABFELL ito gee this fantastic valua Phona MO 7-2218 Eves or THE KEYES CO 234 Blvd Realtors FR 1-3592 inner 2365 NW i05th 6t 1934 85th St BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom 2 oath Bp'tt level Only 1 year old J6000 down 1 mortgage SPRINOV1EW FEALTY 365 Westward Dr TU 7-S141 1 POMFS ALL PRICES HHFAH KEALTY 377 4th Bt CALL A REALTOR TU 8-3003 LOW down pavment 2 bedroom homea immedlata occupancy no oualllyln Sea 4311 Tar 168th WESTWOOD Manor 3 bedroom 2 bath acreened patio NA 1-1863 Nine 2 and 3 bedroom homes some wl5h 7 bath $9500 and UD Altai duplexes PIETGRA8 Realty Co Inr Realtor 976 25tn St TU 8-7635 i- $2 000 DOWN 3 bedroom kitchen 60X130' lot Total TU 8-5257 11945 N'W offers luxurious living at a price you can afford Near buslines store churches 2 large bedrooms Florida room living room 'fining room kitchen and bath Property completely fenced in with a carnort An effirent ecn- tbal 18 eas heat 'MONTH 2 bedroom Furn in jTHlis winter weather and eayt closing costs $7 7Sfl balnr to keep cool in the summer Better iCENTER REALTY PL lyc74 living is within vour budget Full price $12 500 Better to aay "I lhn t0 "i wish I had Don't wait it may ba too late TY PL 1-2534' 626 NW 62ND 3 BEDROOM Florida room paved Patio fenced landscaped yard rUTE NEIGHBORHOOD 3 BEDROOM 2 bath spacious and gracloua 1 year vourg hm really a beauty only $1490 down and aenilble monthly payments Sulk occupancy Cali 4I 7-7527 Broker Move In Todty 5Z15 lllth ter S0DTHEAST 4 BEDROOMS bath roaaea elon June $77 50 Pa all Fenced bak yard S7 164th Ter NA 1-1831 ch 2840 RETIRING BEDROOM baths only 14 sin SCO monlh Od Near Big ahoo- puigiir tnra 1 block to bu Call equipped FEPT BUY ON KEY B16CAYNE SEE Jerry Clara Inc Realtors 32 Crandoo EM '-2345 NEW 3 BEDROOM 2 ATH $1 800 $14000 TOTAL FRONK REALTOR MO 6-3527 MAH YOT7R TIVIN $595 DOWN OPEN till mid Live free low down Payment Laree lot New putom built 3 bedroom 2 bath Rent 1 room and bath aa of- MW w-43rd Geo A Best At Asaoe rR 9-2775 2 BEDROOM CBS hardwood floors til bath fenced sard good location Bv owner TU 8-7562 153 14th St In desirable neighborhood 20 minutes from town FHA Best otter over $15 000 850 W- 84th Terr rL 7-1831 BR AS inut as a but In rug in this attractive 2 bedroom CB8 homa fu'l garage Quiet neighborhood of expensive homea in Beautiful Oardena Lta of trees Lot of privacy Only $14 500 BELLRiALTY 14655 Riscavne River Dr WX 7-3791 3 BE3DROOM home on large fr-per lot screened porch- rarporre utility room kitchen equipment air conditioner and heat Membership in private beach club $3 500 cash Bv owner 385 Wood crest Rd Key Bitctyne Cali FM 1-2566 THE KEYES CO 12001 NW 7th Ave MO 1-6611 RANCH tvpe born In eity 2 bedroom frame on 2 corner lot beautiful fruit tree $15000 Furn $4 50Q down 3192 8W 7th dt Write Alley Box 17 Tavernier Fla $590 DOWN HP TO $990 DOWN Buy direct from builder NO QUALIFYING BRAND new 3 bedroom 2 bath CBS hardwood floors sliding iaaa door car porta lav month-v payments NA 1-3377 or FL f-5793 No brokers pleas 2150 94TH ST 2 bedroom home hi lot $11000 OPEN! TO I Morton Broker PL 7-3851 BUY DIRECT FROM BUILDER No quthfvtng 1251 86TH ST NEW bedroom 7 bath CBS Ida room central heayrg SOUTHWEST PALM SPRINGS BEAUTY BIG and roomy 3 bedroom 2 bab CBS Only few months new Built-m rang and oven Screened Florida room Marble tiled fea-ture Fishin' nd ln tour yegrbackvard Better hurry gonna sell it toaay grab that phone and call TU 7-753A or rush to 4rb Ave FLAMINGO REALTY 2711 22ND CT Duplex lot plus 2 bedrooms nirelv Furn heater acreened front perch awnings WALTER HANZO REAt ESTATE MO 5-1441 MO 6-9030 plnr- built in kitchen boat dock So 000 down $27 500 total Sea daily FT na2i ifiA 2 BLDROOM large Jaiouaied Florida room air condiuor-d and heat detached garage like new S15 250 term to Open 54 8 62nd Ct FR 1-4501 HIALEAH DELUXE 3 BEDROOM 2 bath CBS old beautiful hoFt Unfurn $2100 DOWN FHA Commitment rof hardwood floors completely fenced in Hear Hialeah Shopp'n a Opfn daily at P9 44th St GREAT SOUTHERN REALTORS 35 27th Ave N2 32b96 1 CLOSE IN BELOW 36TH FT $1490 DOWN $75 MONTH COMPLETELY Purn 3 bedroom extremely nice area 2 raloused porches Must aee to appreciate Open 9 to 9 GOLD COAST REALTY REALTOR 4301 2nd Ave PL 4-5508 Phone meht or day $750 DOWN 4 587 Fer Month No balloon Not 2 BEDROOM CBS bath eth-eoral ceilings awnings large landscaped lot with fruit sacrifice br owrerg 97i0 ft 183rd St Call FR 4-4504 NO DOWN payment $115 month 3 bedroom bath CBS 3041 owner 4 bedroom 7 bh new 7025 8 17th Ter $2 500 cash don TU 8-7454 No agents Shale $1 500 DOWN TOTAL $17 400 School Block NEW 3 benronm 2 hath carport rentral heating builr-tn Oven rane lot 75 No dosing eosta Low monthly pavment Open all dav NA 1-0741 PARKMOOR HOMES 51 184TH TER $1750 DOWN ONLY $67 per month buyg this eoa? 2 bedroom home- over $500 in storm awnings Everything perfect Enjoy countrv Irvirg but be near shopping WI 7-7527 Broker 3 BEDROOM CBS home partly FORCED SALE CORNER $690 DOWN unulually fine 3 bedroom CBS all tile features carporte stove refrigerator automatic Aher No closing costa move rteht ln Pinecrest Realty PL 4-9545 3 0611 7th Ave MUST SELL NEARLY new bedroom CBS COMPLETELY FtTRN terra rzo floors heat sprinkler system low taxes close to schools bus shopping $75 68 a month ACE REALTY CO PL 4-0605 2710 8 room New 5 bed- HI 3-2780 28TH CT $13500 Owner 184th PL 7-572J NA 1-1373 DUPLEX 1 and 7 bedroom bargain About S3 000 down A Nogers HI 8-3822 Broker NEW house 9 27h 8t 23th Ct Sli500 H1 1-2780 BRAND NEW BUILDER REDUCES FRirf 3 BEDROOM 3 2 BATH3 JUFT completed models to choose from Close tn near 42nd SI OC'O down Term to suit No Ave entrance to Gables Beautiful Furn Tile roof hardwood floors kitchen eouioped $1 500 cah down FOR equitv Duple 2-2 bedroom 1 Bel-Air Realty 253 down 79th 3 BEDROOM Florida room $13 $995 DOWN 3 BFDROOM OAK FLOORS BRAND NEW JUST COMPLETED 188 31ST 8T Dup Bv owner 31ST ST 2 BFDROOM modern excellent 4P54 9XH CT' Art- vaPable EXCELLENT tirmi beautiful 500 66 NW 119-b Bt FR i-9995 i fealure ratio Etc rPTDROOM frame Elpr do5 old Or 6t PL 4-6724 Bird my eoultyl You'll need only your Clothe COMPLETELY FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM CBS HARDWOOD FLOORS CITY WATER SEWER AND SIDEWALK $10 995 Full Price $53 Monthly Low down pavment if desired 1275 129TH STRFET Kaiser A Lee Realtor MU 8-4691 F-I-R-S-T $275 taka JE 2-2734 8-0035 Apt Furn 3 months will rent 630 Oriental Opa Lock balloon mortgage Open 9320 BW 43rd Ter FR 1-4501 $5 800 DOWN 3 bedroom I1 Florida room patinfc peer school Kitrhen Furn $70 50 month Own 8542 35th Ct pastel colors Large FlortdA room built tn stove and oven are deluxe built homes Call for reduced prices and terms FAULEY REALTY NE 5-L385- A Aa $995 DOWN One Price $1 1600 10 NO CLOSING COSTS New 3 and 4 2 bath Ask about cash dicount an BUN VALLEY ESTATES 8 52nd St and 69th Fl MOVE RIGHT IN $590 DOWN 3 BFDROOM 2 BATH NORWOOD area 1 vear new Screened Florida room built-in oven and range refrigerator chain link fenced rear yard OPf 1 TO 5 1935 185TH 6T $89 7 bed-church NICFLY Furn 7 bedroom CS! carporte Convenient to bus snopping $11500 By 4621 5tn 81m MORTOAOE $43 month room CBS near school buses No brokers MU 1-6304 56 500 TOTAL 2 bedroom cottage near Gaoles Can't top th CROWN REALTY 6113 6 8th St UO 6-2571 INCLUDES all elnsing eosta bedroom 1 or 2 Yorkrowna kitchens Close to every-and deal direct DUPLEX 2 years new owner must 'eli bargain See 11385 12th Ave A Rogers HI 8-3822 i FtTRN 2 bedroom CBS home near school bu stop Owner Terms arranged UN 5-3224 I NFW 2 bedroom on Urge corner lot Has oak floor heat tile ynof carporte and porch $13 50 Trmf Sea 1301 fl 113th Ter iuia ter 2 YEAR3 old 2 bedroom Fonda room plus carport CBS tue roof hardwood floor built In Horpoint carports patios oven and range Unfurn Ann thin Drive out per month 3 baths deluxe 1 BFDROOM 7 bath 4 wood floors tile fenced- CA 1-1683 $1495 DOWN NORTH MIAMI AREA 3 BFDROOM CBS 2 baths Carport tereaszo floors Total once 513800 Don't miss this one See it today No nualifymg no closing costs SUN REALTY REALTOR 1651 119th Bt MU 1-3581 DUPLEX BARGAIN $15500 buMder Model open all 4ih Ave Const Company TU 7-7733 $2 590 TOTAL $12900 BEDROOMS CB8 like new! Built-in kitchen Large corner WILLIE ABRAMSKY Realtor FR 9-3116 1974 NW 7th Bt WEEKS BARGAIN 83 350 DOWN brand new 3 bedroom bjfh home built ln kitchen features 2 minutes to 1 file fe school Onl: DIRECT from builder homes 3 bedroom 2 closet built in oven i porte extras Low down pavmept Total aeiling price $14 750 No closing cost Open 8750 8 38th St JE 8-0059 New Duple BEDROOM each Apt lov Call MODERN CBS 2 bMronma side All oversUed rnnma I 111' lot All tile feature FENCED CORNER $690 DOWN I REALTY INC LBSaK 7-5239n- 5 w- 7TH AV1E' 8-7407 inn end vnu iU WI 7-7527 Broker 8-hil! Open 'daily at 4719 8th Ct 1 to 5PM GREAT SOUTHERN REALTORS 35 27th Ava NE 3-2696 4465 9TH CT BRAND new 2 bedroom CBS bard-uood floors til bi'h tiia porch built in Hotpoirt oven gnd range Builder has other eommitmert Must be gold this week see and pr a al-ia make offer Atkina SllfUY) Phone -4634 Builder HI 4-4841 1 with the day at 6075 Laurence 3 BEDROOM tile roof fenred vacant handle tures including roof beat rental close in today $11900 Oaner 2644 23rd Ct Brickell Estates 71 15TH ST CBS hardwood floors large kitchen plus di-ne'te 6eaview awnings Lot 75 x-135 in backvtrd Home must sell $3000 If owner not there phone nth I Duplex DIRECT FROM BUILDER 2140 NW 27th St BRAND NEW CLOSE IN 2 BFDROOM 1 BATH EACH FLORIDA SCREENED PATIO OPEN AFTERNOONS OR CALL George Dawson FR 4-2228 NE 4-0957 FR 1-2424 6359 0 29TH 0T 6 aptcioui rooms carport MO 7-4p95 NEW HOME NTW HOME HARDW'OOD BLOODS 1 BEDROOM BATH CB8 FR' 80 8 22ND RD BEAUTIFUL custom built 4 bed room homes uh 7 and 3 barhs SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL Duplex 1 0990 2 BEDROOM CBS across fppm arhool pool park Sacrifice 6CL5 2nd St MO 6-9941 $490 DOWN $50 MONTHLY CBS 2 kdroom Florida room extra large kitchen all mceiv Furn Made to order for a retired couple Open dally 11 to 5 at $8th Ct or call Mr pouthfrn reaitor 3S 77th Ave TiK 3-7fc 4 Bedroom Home S2 5bO CA8H $37 mb nth takes care nl your houaing prbblm 3 7 veers old well kept partly Burn Price $12 590 2 A STONE REALTOR 816 NW 183rd 8t NA 1-3623 SETT NT Ifl BELIEVING ATTRACTIVE CBS Top location for rental convenient to fchoola enclosed garages screened porches bufS kitchen appliance cen-nrrfRhPM 5 hVKt a Itrai heat with air conditioning BEDROOMS baths built-in tvlllbt in(1 other custom fea-unfurn Ex- turM throughout DeCarlo Jennings 2701 6 28th Ter HI 4-4631 feature Furn cellent condition 4V mortgage Bob Brlnesar TU 8-4e94 TU 8-0913 HOME AND INCOME 59 Oh 0 3 bedroom home and 1 bedroom cottage nicely Furn Convenient location CROWN REALTY 6113 8th St MO 6-2571 EZ menthlv pavment No red tape no quat-tfvlr Call NA 1-3327 direct irom builder Call Eves BLEWS REALTY REALTORS ea-port 1-9001 3 bed- floors carport 3 BEDROOMS 1 ba'h NA and buses Fenced rear Palms ard Has mnrt- BIeom Owner gone oulek peisses- Key her ATKINS Realtor 226 79th St PL 7-3481 lot It baths hardwood awntnes lari 3195 2nd Ave gage son ALL SOLD OUT BUT BUILDING MORE GRAHAM CONST HI 8-9591 2 BFDROOM CBS completely Furn 940 72nd Avg MO 5-1457 2 BFDROOM frame house partly NAFY-W7a W- 169th ler- KO GOWN Mymnt 4 brt-room 7 bath split level Crol City HA 1-0894 SI 290 DOWN 3 BEDROOM 2 bath home luh lot Fiorina room 2 years new ln beautilul Norwood Youra onre Near ebopptnt center FLYBOY TRANSFERRED $1290 DOWN $795 DOWN EXTRA LOT INCLUDED $8700 Total BEAUTIFUL SHENANDOAH MODERN 3 bedroom CBR with large Florida room enclosed garage and fenced-in ground Omv $1000 DOWN $90 month $13 700 3 bedroom I1 bath carport and terrazxo floor Near St and public school By owner- WI 7-7527 Broker OPEN TODAY 3 UNITS 3050 NW 20th St ONLY 2 BUILDINGS LEFT YOU LIVE RENT FREE BRAND new triplexes Just like 3 separate homes Custom built with deluxe features Off afreet parklrg All 2 bedroom Aos Front and rear entrances Beautiful colored tue baths Large overhanging! tile roofs No qualifying Mon-gage already placed $3 950 down Balance Eafv terms PAULEY REALTY NE 5-1385 3 BKDHOOM Furn 'Susd' hcme choice) Pw jaou6ied Florida room floor From builder 3300 6 FHhW Open S6 5rO with $5 500 cah (M'anra FABULOUS CATALINA EXQUISITE 3 bedroom 2 bath CBS only 3 year new Tilg lea- beauti- tures throughout 6eiect oak Landscaped lot many foors equipped kitchen extra large utility room Carport No area of In at $75 per momh Nolan Warn Realtor HI 4-2685: Eve HI 8-4280 rarporte open fyj homeg fruit tree BEDROOMS Furn to hus-e shopnma City water aas Duplex lot Reaaonable or rash kbove morttage 57 34th St 9 259 up Act now ierg all dav ROBERT REALTY PL 58400 FHA 4 52 LAKE front badrnom bath Owner 1861 NW 135th St HOME AND INCOME 3 BEDROOM plu 1 bed-oom 36th St Asking 515 OjO Furn own reeds rah Make offer over $5000 down Orat- Zi W' 15'h A'' e-8708 Ave Csil PL 7-1645 Fsir Rela Visit 620Q 2nd LOVELY 2 bedroom CBS kitchen equipped low taxes $48 month 6543 8 39th 8t Onen 7385 $11900 3 BEDROOM Qualifyirg no closing cost Call TU 7-7538 or vuil 4256 4th Avg Hialeah FLAMINGO REALTY 19th Ter CBS ba'h oak floor tile roof lot 75x105 I Mtg Make offer Paxton Realty HI 4-4582 3 Bedroom 1 hath CBS lt In Prices right 321 51st Bt 3 BEDROOMS 7 hatha aarage completelv Furn RCil 141at St MO DRIVE by 1355 95th Terr Gorrenuk Furn 2 bedroom flus huge kcreened Florida room 5 0n0 down Tile roof hardwood llnnr J12 FZ terms ADOLTH STOVE Realtor 7-4841 HOME on 75 Ft P2 lot S8 500 Owner 13M 100th 8t JN AIXATATTAH toTal PRICE SB 500 4020 12TH AVE 2 bedroom home on corner lot hardwood jot f'eor carport Drive bv then call! 209 Mr Leonard Aliahattah Realty -Fei NE 5-7l attached snboota 3 aewera te-ma Owner Iprraazo room PL 79TH IITTIE RIVER $10990 Total $290 DOWN $595 DOWN COLORED 2 bedroom CBS All tile features Bargain $10 500 total $75 month ROBERT REALTY PL 8-8703 nor7 DUPLEX large 2 bedroom good condition widow leaving ton 750 CROWN REALTY BW 8th gt MO 6-2571 CBS house arith 3 4175 NW 5tb Ava PL 9-0682 2 BEDROOM CBS hardwood floors tile bath cioee to scholia ahoppmg buses My equity take over 2 mortgage Total prirg $9 450 Will ea partly Furn 134 47th St NO SECOND mortgage no closing cost month include taxes and insurance on 7 bedroom CB8 at 10030 46th Ter House is 6113 open Walk in Call owner UN 6-3426 or NE $-1491 $15 COMPLETEIY FURN tnrludljr kitchen Invly 2 bedroom CBs floor aooarate 1 1 Carport large landscaped Immediate occupancy Visit INEW duplex 2nd Ave oreall NICELY Furn car parage PL 4-2641 or builder SACRIFICE $9 750 TOTAL 2 bedroom CBS 7a lot Trees School bu Terms PL 7-3413 GILBERT MANN REALTORS 1 bedroom bv owner Both Apt rented month dnua 6C30-32 NW 8th Ava PL 8-3045 7-1645 Fair Realty Open 9-9 DUPLEX-DUPLEJt $990 DOWN ATTRACTIVE new CBS 2 bed rooms earh aide terrareo floors lilnusied window Eouipped with stova and refrigera'ors terms Check thla $16 490 total Open OOLD COAST REALTY REALTOR 4301 2nd Ave PL 4-5508 I MORTGAGE Excellent LoctUon $690 DOWN BALANCE $11 300 IZ term! tiOvely 2 bedroom CBS FL RN kitrhen egrport riny to echool hop bus Visit 6200 2nd Avg pl 7-1M5 Ooa 9- FAIR REALTY Read This! 3 BEDROOM 2 bath 2 living room Fiorida room glass doer befueen Furn or Unfura Taxa 5130 Lot facing pak 11 bearing avocado trees Cr Thompson Realtor HI 8-0224 101 Aimena Open All Day 2 BEAUTIFUL PALM SPRINGS FROM $990 DOWN Balance E2 bv builder No eiorng costs no extras Spark-ling NEW 3 bedroom 2 bath CBS Last Chance TO BUY A NEW ROTHMAN HOME AT ORIGINAL low After Feb 17th the prices in our bro Furn 1 bv owner and MO MOVE into your own home 5 good house to chooe from Close in Small down FR 3-2305 DUPLEX room 4- 553 MONTH BEDROOM home only 9 mnrth young Near shopping Mnier Large lot and best of all only $2 600 for WI 7-7527 51000 DOWN 3 bedroom 2 bath beautiful home no gualifyirg Assoc PL 1-8256 PL l-826i OWNER mutt aell 3 bedroom TBS 4 year old kitchen eouipred terrarso floors food loca-ion 1m-rrediata possession S3 000 doan 2950 EJrd Tr PL 8-3375 homea ail tile features built-in iChurea are subieu to increase oven and range terrazao floora 'Without notice circ*mstance be formica vanities In ba'h gliding yond our control Just Off Flagler OPEN 1 TO 5 PM 2 BYRABUILDEH SedROOMs" HUGH 3 bedroom CBS hnmejnLE ROOF L04DED WITH EX-BDacioui landscaped grounds TR AS $2 500 DOWN BALANCE Florid porch extra duplex $80 MONTH INCLUDING 6'- IN and carnort MbrtiTEREST NO CLOvSING COSTS Furnished or I MORTGAGE SFE THESE AT 420 AND 430 59TH CT large lot garage gage payments $65 unfurnished 1428 NW MO 25h $490 DOWN FURN rompteta 2 bedroom home Florida room huge landscaped lot Quick occupancy WI Broker $390 DOWN 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH CBS LOW monthly payments t-traettvely decorated and landscaped Vacant move ln at onre No qualifying or loan closing coit Shores MO 6-S566 Bhorea Realty 6849 40th St GI EQUITY 3 BFDROOM rash or trade MI AMI-METRO REALTORS 151 Hit Dr TU 8-7122 TU 8-7156 7-1196 LUTHER BROWN 3 OR 4 BEDROOMS 'A ACRE Custom built only on orrier Sve davjling models Open 12-5 9300 SW 124th St $19 900 UP $2200 DOWN MILTON ROTHMAN HI 6-6426 doors open to patio porch" king sized landscaped lor Open daily after A Bee model at 1051 53rd St BUY TODAY MOVE IN TODAY FAIR REALTY FL 7-1645 DUPLEX CBS Priced Below FHA VALUATION 901 146TH 8T BPTC and apan 2 bedroom tile roof a-1 condition Newly decorated Stove refrigerator aanmgs Only $11-500 Bell Realty 14655 Rtscevn Rivr Dr WI 7-3791 1 tile bath earh lot Price $15200 33rd LOPEZ REALTOR 4541 NW 6TH ST $1 900 rows TOTAL $12 450 1 MORTGAGE i'' $fc7 MONTH OPEN HOUSE 1 TO 5 CBS 3 bedrooms 60'xl04' lot awnings kitchen Fu-n Greater Miami Realty HI 4-6133 2 BEDROOM aide corner See at 3X1 trms FRED NE 5-9949 RIVIERA section bedroom 2 bath 6609-li Mavnad Harsam Inc HI 6-6426 Eve MO 5-7635 Direct From Owner BEAUTIFUL NORWOOD HOME With aa low as $650 DOWN Inspect 1091 19F'h Bt BPFCIAL offer on my verv Urge lovely 3 bedroom vt bath CP8 corner home Just 10 months Has stove refnsator carporte Tc VA iportgage Is $14000 Fa'ments like rent later reduced No red tape or extra gogt H-me vacant anyone mv bu? and move right in Owner FR 1-8020 HI 4-2521 no broker BEDROOM 1 bath carport CBS Completely Furn newly painled Inside and outside Full pure down $1500 231 35'h TU 7-5663 after 4'30 PM ge-eekdtv nay Sat-Sun Duplex 2 bedroom 2 ba'h Southland Co HI 4-4636 Ext FROM BUILDER BFDROOM 2 BATH $13990 vr TULL PRICE NFW CBS tile roof enclosed rfv i4r Florida room ter-i-razxo floor built-in WurghoueA kitchen 75' 110' lot Only l1 at $66 month for 16'a 2940 loird et No brokers please 2 'St $695 DOWN BRAND new 2 bedroom Only 3 mortgage payment Immediate possession 6ee at 728 42nd St or call builder TU 7-5186 bedroom Thompson $15 500 Duplex $4 down Southland Co HI 4-4b36 Ext 3 $2 000 DOWN 512150 CBS close ln Cr Realtor HI 8-0224 $7 DOWN 3 BFDROOM home $88 rer month Lari cer-utilitv room raprnrte less than I rear old WI 7-7526 Broker 2 BFDROOM acre ef ground 13410 Asaan Rd MU 8-2345 3 BEDROOM CBS- by owner near St and Hialeah MtlUVeTp'T 0017 6120 72nd Ave Open 2-4 3 BEDROOM 2 bath Furn or Unfurn acre fee this FR 9-8634 Netherland Realtor WT PUGH HONlE FDR A PALM SPRINGS CATALINA BY OWNER 3 bedroom 2 bath CBS Screened Florida room Wall wall carpeting ln living room HAS LARGE CORNER BEDROOMS 2 BATHS LARGE CBS home Tile roof Florin room Partly Furn Near 62nd Ave and 8th Bt $2 000 don Balance I FHA mortgage PAULEY REALTY NE 5-1385 3 BFDROOM wood floors 2 bath CBS hard fenced ln back yard DUPLEX Retired Couple rump lot 60x130' mg 330 58th St DUPLEX brand new 3 bedroom all line featuret to'al S3 250 Bee builder 3219 rd Ter onre 8 $1 500 CA8H vvyXvtvrnfrt and $65 monthly bill make you the eurer of this to-gro'1In luit of the Oabie close to and large shopping area REALTY NE 3-8b26 zjr Owner leav- and center halL tile bath built in stove and oven giass sliding doors carport Own-ars equity only $1590 Move right ln Cai TU 7-0887 Ho brokers $890 DOWN 3 Bedroom 1 Vi Bath IMMACULATE 21 years new CBS carporte Florida room tilt features stove refngerstor automa-Mr wsher ventllsted awnings larga landscaped grounds chain link FENCED NO CLOSING (TvftS Move right in Pinecrest Realty PL 4-9545 10611 7th Ave OPHN- 1-5 MONTHLY PAY $44 73 IE IOU are locking for a home th it economical to bur ana economical to live In home It has 2 large this is te re cheerful BYONER bedroom 2 bths Unfurn CBS Florida room Palm Springs Call TU 7-8494 aftar 5 3fl $1950 NEW 3 bedroom Termg 10 8 44th 64 MO 1-3957 DUPLEX Furn 2 bedroom CBS 1 block Food Fair AdrP Trail bus east of BW 27th Atfe $2 995 down 111 MO 6-8742 SPLIT LEVEL $2990 DOWN 83 MONTH PAYS EVERYTHING LARGE 3 bedrnnm 2 bsth CBS carporte terrazso and harduod ftoora tile rvf Furn kitchen aell and pump for nicely kept grounds No closing cost guick occupancy Pinecrest Realty PL 4-9545 30611 7th Ava lovely 3 bedroom Unfurn CBS $1 000 down terms arranged 645 46h St MU 8-8367 NICE HOME IN ALLAPATTAH 2 BEDROOMS 2 tile baths Fior-room $10 500 only 5309 or less PL 7-94Vt GILBERT MANN REALTORS FURN 2 bedroom (W section $3 000 for equity sssume VA mortgage at $55 month Owner MO 1-6230 No brokers Duplex Husband died Southland Co HI 4-4636 Ext 3 ALMOfr new cloe In near Flagler Bt schools shopping Must se it Open daily 3547 4h Ter Call Lakatos GREAT SOUTHERN REALTORS 35 27th Ave NE 3-2fc96 TER IFTC $490 DOWN BEAUTIFUL pew 3 bedroom 2 bath CBS lerraizo I nora Jal-eusied ndnwa terms Bv builder Close to echo'd ahons and bu $12 690 total op'd 9 to 9 GOLD COAST REALTY REALTOR 4301 NW 2nd Ava PL 4-5508 bedrooms large living room verv large kitchen and a gpotlesg tile bath It i completelv Furn with the finest of materials A bg lot carport and covered front pnrrh Everything is arranged to make llx more emovable It ha more comfort more roominess and more living pleasure for your money complete with furniture Bath 2 BEDROOM CBS completely Purn including deco frara Nice noride room Awning Wall mith pump lot Ideal location walking distance to shopping canter be nullifying price $10700 don psymant $2 425 Russell Ggrnett Realtor 194 4th Ave TU 8-6771 $3fl month 2 Shale Broker 4614 I 9TH CT bedroom CBS WARM AS TOAST BriLT-ln hosier aarms this lovely F'urn 2 bedroom CBS home Tile 3 Bedroom 2 New and Ready $1090 And Move In 8400 Bird Road $990 Down 3 And 4 Bedrooms 2 BATHS earnorte acreened porch large utility room extra wide iqt excellent financing Bee the starlight corner 79th Avenue J4th Street CAN YOU IMAGINE $295 DOWN PTY run walk Or craw! tp 4256 nf 4l5oAv Plunk down onlv $295 andyou got it made nw bedroom 2 bath CBS Close In to every thing Tile features beautiful oak floors Anyone ctn buy Nuff satd? Get on the phone end rill TU 7-753S FLAMINGO REALTY TTR You 11 roof hardwood floor Unique lav out Screened porch large lot $12 650 1911 NW 9TH Come visit with today be glad you did HOME $965 DOWN A rare opportunity to taka over of Only rff-L50 moniMv Oanar rfutt sail TODAY 3 bedroom CBS 'rht Move IN ANY-TIME No Broker MO 5-4421 77 Duplexes PL 7-5727 NA 1-1373 $13 500 NATIONAL 11628 REALTY 2nd Ave PL 9-3339 PL 9-6173 WE HAVE the 'finest1 selections of new and old duplexes in Mima a ami to choost from L4 free (NO RFASONABtE offer refused BRAND new 3 bedroom CB8 $11-500 with $469 down No aualifv-lrt move right tn 15700 41st Ave TU 8-8264 3 BEDROOMS ferred In lng By owner 11465 8 41t St MO 6-0649 THE KEYES CO 12001 KW 7th Ave MU 1-6611 Duplex Near Flagler SPACIOUS Kitchen eouipped Buy from Mill hartam 4253 2nd fit HI 4-4673 Walking DiJtane To School $990 DOWN MrMCHOLAS REALTY PL 7927 7th A PL $490 DOWN New 2 Bedroom bedroom Urge vanity bath built kitchen vail oven range dnhwher washer drver and refrigerator Cathedral ceihrgs wait pUruer carport well pump other feature Sacrifice 170th St NEW 3 bedroom 2 bath rorch carport By owner NA 1-6638 ARE YOU LOOKING Furn tile roof hss outside cni Income Close to1 bus aiesh cash down $b5 MONTH PAYS EVERYTHING exceptional buv in a 3 hfd- room CBS Larg front porch til roof HARDWOOD floor stove rhlirrh refrigerator awnings Enormous ino ground with manv tree 3 cEcROCiMV2 bth' herd wood floors port 1 bedroom trance for extra DAMEWOOD re- month LARGE duplex bull? in fnge-or Rnt HI 3-8995 57 48th 1 LOW PAYMENTS 2 ROUSFS 5 room and 3 room on 2 industrial lo's 2421 30th As Owner PL 7-W7 NEW DUPLEX $78 MONTH 1319 NW PI At 2 and 1 bedrooms $5000 doan Owner PR 3-8576 4 NO Down pavment $110 month 3 bedroom 2 bafh CBS 11050 eA esvy 9 43rd St Shale Broker S8J 59 MONTH paa all PL 7-5727 NA 1-1373 3 bedroom CBS No qualifying or i i (loan closing coat Vacanl 4hoe 1 BANK rate mortgage Damnt Only $500 doan for this fill 3 bedrnom CBS with rnm and Furn Kitrhen No qualifying or closing costs Immediate oerupanev MO 6-8566 fihoreg Realty 6fi49 40th fit u- NEW HOME IV SHENANDOAH NO QUALIFYING NO DOWN PAYMENT NOMINAL closing costs only buv 2 3 4 bedroom home? in de-alrable North Dade location at 18d St and NW 14th Ate Mov right ln Ooen daly JE 1-3424 ONLY $790 DOWN ON A 4 BEDROOM 2 BATH Ideal for large family no oualifvine Juat move in NEW realty TU 7-9451 ONE MORTGAGE LwrbLT 2 bedroom v8 cutom built JV' Oak floors partly Furn tn Mry oninnrs 1515 8W 11TH BT OPEN TODAY 1 TO 5 $17900 TOTAL TERMS PRAGER REALTORS HI 6-6483 3 BEDROOMS 2 BATHS HARDWOOD FLOORS YARD BPHINKLFR SYSTEM CARPORTE ONLY $15 500 CIRCLE PROPERTIES 9- hrucs Chan link FENCED Oaners leaving thia week no desire costs quick occupancy Pinecrest Realty PL 4-9545 10611 7th Ave at 4wnJS'MAIL cottage nice yard 3 bd-r 9-0605 btth Zoned motel 811 5s 500 Terms Or rent yesrlr $35 4o5 28i Bt TU 8-4324 $1 550 DOWN 3 BEDROOM 2 bath centra! heat built in oven and 4 burner range exhaut fn glass shower and tub enclosure gliding gM doora Paved streets and walk Cloe to schools and shoppirg SCHFTTia RFALTY 18154 2nd Ave NA 1-7531 Cutler Ridge 4 BEDROOM 2 BATH porta terrazto floor CBS DUPLEX ONLY S3 000 DOWN EXTRA large modern 2 bedroom CBS duplex Terraeto floors tile $1 580 DOWN Partly Furn 2 bd yoof close tn location Orilv 21 room CBS fanng goH course yara old $110 month total price $4950 i'bOG WM THOMROV TNC Realtors NE 5-1511 Eve and Sun MU 6-3346! 3 BEDROOMS $1 50 DOWN 85' $65 month 1 all with payment ACE REALTY CO 94221 tk1 CAR frOmsgr rn linin' 0338200 $70 per month CE 5 FHA S14-- "-214 Wet Miami 2 bedrooms Furn Southland Co HI 4-4636 Ext 26 FORCED SALE $390 DOWN 3 Bedroom 2 Bath FPAVKING vm LOCATION DADE AND BROWARD COUNTY USE 2ND A' VO QUALIFYING MOVF IN TODAY CALL BUILDER WI 7-5400 month Nelson Realtor FTRN $60 NE 5-1171 428 8 4TH BT 4 bedrooma 3 bathe $16 500 $3000 doth CORAL VILLAS $1 450 DOWN $75 MOuVTH 3 bedrnom frame tile bath mca condition full price JACK GRFFNfiPOON FFALTOR 2120 fi 67tn Ava MO 1-8007 FORECLOSUFF-542 MONTHLY 4'vO- 1ST MORTGAGE $6 000 total 59 600 3 bedroom CBS newly decorated Include $450 In Ate NW ummum aanlng Icth GOLF Course homes 3 bedroom 2 hath no closing no qualifying Frizes start at $14990 Drive onjDUPIJ'X CBS rth Ave and turn eat on 107h morfgage fit and turn east on 107th mortgage No 10928 W2ad Ct MU 1-1206 2 BEDROOM screened perch tile features plu efficiency apt and garage Fence aprtnker stem tums'Tu 36000 $10 600 3 BEDROOM CBS 7 37fh Bt f-7425nU1 8325 ttort fi We NO MONEY DOWN 00 ltrM 1 bed-oom VA 4 oualilving A3 ren- 95h Ter NE 3-8737 BY BUILDER "'tTidroJm1 WlO "IcucoVn 1 tremonHyS Fark 3 bedroom CBS SlOJttO Kitchen Manor Realty PL 1-3241 NEW HOVFS DUPLEX $8 700 TOTAL S5 MONTH CBfi 2-bfdroom comptey Turn lot Mov raht in 3-D REALTY REALTORS MU 0-07A3 New 2 Bedroom $695 DOWN nei dosing cost Large iicrn tjainusie option-A-1 location all New homes Ititrhen til baths st l7iflde out Onlrili 195 total on EZ te-ma Gih7lLFYRMfr 1221 34th St BUY TODAY MOVE IN TODAY 2 bed-4tb Bt NEW 3 bedroom 2 bath room 1 bath 2935 8W OWNER SELLING 3 BFDROOM CBS large land- leaped lot Seavtew aarnmgs sprtnxier avstem k'tchen Furn Good location $2 500 down including closing costs 80 I 33th equipped washer aniras Fe SHAMROCK RFALTORS MU 1-3593 EXQUISITE BY OWNER op of th ihew homea of th 8ouh Over 4 200 Pq Ft oj living tjia 3 bedroom den 3 stbs acreened 2 7 bsth 3 bedre ail electric kitchen FEAT7TTFUL 3 bedroom CBS leiser MUPT sell joely home MU 0-7fc lJW 926 119th 61 Open for lnspec-j Home Income Plua 4 dogs 3 bedroom CBS tth Apt and 4 REGISTERED co*ckER 8PANI- Gl SFFI S' nd nth Ave tion PL 9-6398 $300 T-A-K-E-S att equity Nw' 3 b'rtronms 17410 41at BRAND new 2 bedroom 154 bath IE lovely talouaied Florida room FL 6-ner leaving' for the North tl sarntlce tor $16800 Live herelBJ Shape? ao0! Built-in bar ONE of th nlrest older homes NW 29th Ter Near 12th Ave New kitchen and equipment 2 bedroom CBS FR 9-8634 Nether-land Realtor MORTGAGE OPEN 9585 31ST AVE Ibniit-tn range and oven Tmm-idtate occupancy Only S15 59C See this ore todsv JOPFPH JORDAN REALTOR 12395 6th Ave PL 7-1687 RETIREES 19815 1ST AVF 3 BEDROOMS 2 baths tl srtrtc built In knehsri gcrccnsd Florida ream fenced rear yard pa-tT'e landscaped v-d A-vume 9ctt I ntenth pave all er P1T ls down and 2nd mortgage arranged ca 1 NA 1-0043 INVESTMENTS FL 4-7591 $25 MONTH EIG 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH PLUS DEV B0 xl44 park lik- yard tn e-a'e are S16 950 FRONK REALTOR MO 6-8527 DAWN REALTY CO REALTORS 3074 NW 79th Bt FL 8-6782 2 BATH modrn CBS Ti roof VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN $990 DOWN 3 Bedroom 1 V2 Bath NEWLY paintrd CT9 tl ronf nugg kitchta include r-i'iraor automatic 1 1 breakfast nonk Ral firrplang attic fan Dump wf ii and pnnkir for larg landscaped frnundi chain lick FFNCED Pinecrest Realty FL 4-9545 10611 7th Ava 3 hedronm FHA 4U 13235 2nd Ave OWNFR $17000 K2r" SSI Geo A Best ft Assoc FR 9-2775 kt'ub'wth'e-'v' ZTR anre knon for convenience Ca thdral ceiling in living room rora and kuohen Wad to wall white carpeting in muter bedroom Completely Furn Vlord can deernbe the beauty and comfort offered with thia home All thlg on comer acre lot larae drive carportq for 2 car bath landscaped 2 2 oa IbWiRkler avitem Price $A3 503 com-T wTii'Fa I' mortgage (500 2nd Bhown by gppomtiRept on? to qualified buyer Richard 8145 fi 133rd fit CE 5-3475 6121 SW 26th St OWNER mutt eell new 3 bedroom luxe kllchen lovely Florida 2 car garage air conditioned consider amall home or acreage and cah for down payment taxea only circular driveway LOW CASH? There la an $11 4no FHA conditioned commitment on th la Die 3 bedroom 2 bath home at 290 NW 100TH ST Th Total Prick 1 Only $14 500 OPEN TODAY 1 TO Si POWELL CO REALTORS 2 bedrooms ltrge FHA will tax 2nd DADE Fv eg n' EXCELLENT location near nw shopping center 2 bedrooms tile $9 3C0 CBS bath Furn total Hurryh jort See today Open 9 to 9 OOLD COAST REALTY Realtor 4301 NW 2nd Ava PL 4-5508 MLS 3161 MU 1-6330 2 bedroom $43 81 A Furn A1 month 670 I 8UNDFCK condition 17th St LOOK NO MORE SEE THIS 2 STORY 3 bedroom Csrpp'te bg porch Nice section $2 500 down Sion month Viles Resltor NE 4-0052 $32 $795 465 S4TH ST MODERN Dame PL 7-2511 8116 Blsc Blvd Genuine Sacrifice TOTAL PRICE $10 909 $75 PER MONTH Vacant pan then call Coral Way Realty HI 6-7643 large lot BEE TODAY AT 221 NW38THCT Sf 5 i' J2 Jr -r 0 Corner JLST 2 BLOCKS TO FLAGLER HAS OVE OF THE MOST FLORIDA ROOMS WE VE EVER SEEM $2 S-no DOWN 1 MORTGAGE FHA E4TTR MIAMI REALTY INC 37-6 Faaer HI 4-6133 $11 800 TOTAL UNDERPRICED HOME AND INCOME FULL PRICE $6 000 COLLECT rent from an extra enm-pf Apt 8 rooms 2 baths 2 kitchens Out of town owner now visiting wants quick cah Ap-o'v premises 2931 39th Ft FR 9-4239 Owner 6 bedroom Owrer dspeate Southland Co HI 4-4636 Ext 4 FULL ACRE all fenced Modern 3 bedroom I1 bafb aepa-ate 20 rumpu houe $22 750 FRONK Realtor MO 6-8527 PER MONTH ov 6 MORTGAGE FOR THIS 3 PEDROOM 1 BATH CB3 HOVE WITH CARPORTE STOVE AND REFRIGERATOR IN-REDECORATED bfgtififullv Lk CLUFED IN PRICE MCELY nw paeimj 2 CB9 1 LANDSCAPFD LOT Hardwood floor rar port ktch-i GRATIGNY REAL E-TATE fquiopfd huge front back-1250 fl St MU 6-2152 porches Move in 7TH AVE NCR REAtTY 14647 fl 7th Ave MU 8-2231 NO QUALIFYING call rs BEAHTTFOL 3 bedroom orida room built-m fio-'ng irnrgat SPRIvaVIEW REALTY ward Dr TTT 7-441 bath kitchen 3 BEDROOM 2 bath Florida room central heat all appliances de-lux kitchen cook hrdwed roora 4av mortgaga $i7 3CO Owner CA 1-C396 mortgage BFDROOM CBS large nd forth hardwood floors all tte feature fenced bark vard Va ranee m11 nd purro TTlYiS pfaltor TU 8-6634 4302 4th Ate Ha Palm CBS DUPLEX $2 000 DOWN 2 BEDROOM each side 2 year old Hardwood floors Cloe to ete-v-blng Swan Realtor 105 79th Bt PL 4-1577 L-O-8-I-N-o my Par like rent'" 3 JE 8-0085 JE 2-2734 $50ft DOWN $118 mnnth 3 bedroom 2 bath rartlv Furn 30j5 176th St Shale Broker PL 7-5727 NA 1-1373 MIAMI SPRINGS IF YOU are looking fr 11 built 3 bedroom ba' home SEE 512 fi 42ND TER Near hoppirg center school church County tax only Open aU dav COLORED $490 DOWN 3 Bedroom 2 Bath make offer FFOROOM 2 bafh bome low P'HA mortgage hi realtors 11 Hl- Dr TU 8-7122 TU 8-7156 PALM SPRINGS CATALINA 3 bedroom 2 garage fence carpet don 6100 NW 110th Ter bath 3 600 VA 4-V MORTGAGE or $2 500 down $77 month fha Cham irg 2 bedroom CBS ln lovely ae- EW 4 BEDROOM 2 BATH fT Janql'and 1 lnsIs iSC Uil BRONK Realtor MO 6-8527 New Home poq yv In Bcau-tfu! TUXEDO EAPK NW at 14th Ava FL 8-1124 VACANT MOVF RIGHT TV CORNER $790 DOWN NO CLOSING COSTif 3 Bedroom 1 V2 Bath- Furn kitchen flonr prnprtv with this Realty $1495 DOWN 116TH 8T NEAR 7TH AVE CBS 2 PFDROOM 1 hrh tile feature Convenient school shopping and lrppnrta fnn Tile roof and hardwood Kitrhen Furn No qualifying or closing eoxtji SUV REALTY REALTOR 1651 NW 119th fit MU 1-3581 Vo BEAUTIFUL CBS Close to schools tftrs and bu Exrlnt Trms Bv builder $12 690 total Open 9 COLORED best aret Ouslfv GOLpCOA8T REALTY Realtor Jo? FL 4-5508 porte porch 52 000 down1 D-ve bv 1510 57'h S' then call 60 CARDINAL FT CPFN 2 TO 6 TODAY AVXIOrSTORFLL prDROOM CFts kitrhen eoulo-fprk i'nrL anti aap'rts $2 COO doaa A Dauiaon Bro- $7100 TOTAL FULLY Furn on RU3R vonirg $so pr month Move rght Swan Realtor 105 79th Bt PL 9-9990 $1 aon DOWN Brand new 3 bed room CBS $14 190 total wir pL 4545 111 1 rroMgaat 6 mrfraat $3 50 pr month No OjaM'rg no rd DOWN 1 fipe 3055 NW 69th fit rrnnh Lovely NFWtY dacoratM CPS tn rnf tfrravfo an corner many extra Don mia Pinecrest 2 61 54TH 8T by owner 3 bed-rnrm oak flrr ivnirr pear non bu 512 500 SJmi'Im555250 rer month term MU 1-0677 2 tatb hard-vood floors Furn pnrrh ra lot fruit rre tp inn -W 8th Lare TU 8-3C75 4-3491 Realtor hi ra PL 9-339R 3 Left Out Of 6 3 BFDROOM 7 bath huge Screened porch kitrhen hardwood floors garage good location 3711 fi $ah Ct 6341 fit 325 8 64th Ct OPEN DAILY 1 TO 5 7th Ave irrgea 575 bofiroom Bir Tile roof carport wall to carpet Kitchfn eqy4p- COLORED NEW DUPLEXES DIRFCT FROM BUILDFR aJUST romp etrd raadv to irovg in bedroom arh aids 2 car a rag ccntrallv located pear eve- rd Ave A 2fc5 fl 57th fit so PRICE REDUCED AGAIN ILL OWNER SAYS BELL UNCSUAL C5S hnm on eornef Plot Only 2 od 3 BEDROOM 2 btth den with wood-burning flremace Mcdern kitchen with dirhwasher bu cn gnd oven FILTERED MOVE RIGHT IV COMRLETELY FURN HOM- AIR- wIoIPV AVri HEATED WAJL CARPET WALK $595 CASH I wall 3320 NW 4th St 1 BEDROOM 52 000 down CBS: total On'y $12- KALTORS premiseg call 61ST AVE 3 BEDROOM 1 hath TV pnop wflirr Int- leered total ii 9C-7 MRS DUPLEX ALLAPATTAH earner CF8 room earh aide asking 750 MU 1-3593 926 NW 119tb St Eurn Term Oratton Pallor 3625 NW 15th Ave flE 5-6701 ped 'SHAM MUST aell 3 bedroom 7 or MO 6-C1G2 000 Shnandcah Beit Buy 2 bath $16 5 Nrw duplex 139fl NW 29th Ter Pitre $15 000 NA 1-6565 garage Carpeting extras vr $16 400- $78 at 41 L30 NW 192nd Bt NA 1-6542 WINCH ELL INC REALTOR 806 Ponce da Leon HI 3-7456 PARTLY Burn 1 mnrtgage See todav $9 500 total GOLD TU 8-4693 Fies TTT ft WSiaRAFvAeL1pL 4RF 38LTOR 331 1 EWS BEALTYVe'aLTQR si 500 DOWN' COLORFD B-ajty p-w 3 bedrym5 SPfitTrT 634g S1Z 500 fningi? 29C1 fl 43RD TER TWfi-VL iilh st- rer month Inrludirg taxes tnd 3 BEDROOM 2 bath mne- TO Firn Oaa focirg enclosed ga-1 S4RI $67-50 TO BUS AVD J1 MO 1-96U 3 Bedroom AvrtvER'ROTM VBFAtrrv I tax Ionr enrTrsed I MO 24 rAVauS t' rL m'V s't1Ult' BEAUTIFUL new lake home CBS BEDROOM WALK to owner quick Beat VALUE-VALUE 2 HOUSES I LOT arhool bul and shopping POOL and HUGE PATlO atth traneterred rauet have i ba-beru pit enclosed with call MO 5-1219 CBS arall and arreen Cham link ft Asaoe FR 9-2775 fenced 2 ear caroort Extra large utility room Bendtx washer-drier All this for S6 5P0 cash 1944 NW 4TH STREET Four bedrooms 2 large lot clone to schools kitchen equipped arreeced porrhes ventilated awn-ire? No arenas Phone Bonett Busmen FR 3-5525 R-idenee HI 6-1453 DUPLEX $7 200 TOTAL $39 MONTH 6-e interest Fura Nelson Realtor NI 5-1171 $390 DOWN LARGE corner yei'ld 3 bed-oom 2 CBS Gas heat 11 8 13TH ST CBS tarage' F1 or Ida car w' Bt oedrootn 2 bath ftrepare tteL Large lot Hamaood floor saw EXCFLLEVT d1 Both CBS nat- homes Be Open 1-5 "ICRet HTof butit In oven ba-oequa tn J'b'her iTmediat 3030 NW 43thTer now Butd to IU NEAR B'eg er CBS like new Florida rnm qu'ppi Kfr schw $13 750 ironh MTI fiat fiun uii mon a MU and monthly pevment of S10I 8490 A6TH BT OPEN 1 to 5 6a and Bun Call MO 5-5053 or HTSS MAY REALTORS 1365 Coral av FR 1-3403 Brand pew Pup'ex Owner desperate will sacrifice 25th Ct 2 BEDROOM each unit Street to e'reet lot 5 minute to BY OWNER 3 town HI 3-8372 morgage Geo A Best ft bedroom k'cvn uit MO 7-7597 Evas mnrgage Asaoe FR 4-2775 3430 174th suit 7jj 8-9041 bedroom CBS OI Total price $14 fit NA 1-379 1 house "5 'per mon today $13 909 total GOLD COAST REATTT REALTOR 4301 NW 2nd As PL -'si3nbJ-'Norta- bed-oo FOIHMAN DUPIEX Burn BEAUTIFUL HOME NEW foT er treett with er without furniture Le-te ltvtpg rnrtn dmtE mom kitchm 3 beq mom 1 end hell hath Verv Prtred Leretdt 3277 (Owner 133th gt fteeeli Mil LiS'B Bt or cah MU 1-33C2 49TH rr HAVF WILL SHOW 6 fiPACIOrs rooms garagy gprm- BRi 0158 TOTAL dovn Or IV) avstem tir corditio-ed PTH AVE I fiq Ft CBS 2 bydpm pa'io ind barbquy better tran F- Cmpeey Furn hotre One FHA nto-tpaee ef'erin-w Only $2 200 down plus cos- re- ounfyiri Spacious Florida room pr costs Total price $18 000 Call frM OiD CPl aftt $12 90 Cl beau fajtdscap-d MRS ROWELL TU 8-4693 Eves' LULUKcD549D TtJ 8-4693 Eve MICHAEL REALTOR TU 8-5533 TU S-3435 8 TU 8-3435 room Top Aliara'tan rental area SPACIOUS' MODERN' L-ce mt 7 Margo trees A-ktng $20 0C0 I CHFK NOW FR CARLETON DOOLEY INC 1270 W- 7TH BLEWS REALTY REALTOR 3 NEW ROMES iBY JOHNSON 3 bedroom DOWN nn th a rnyy 9 BLEAS REALTY REALTOR CBS hme nn large Bnviii $290 DOWN BEDROOM CBS vacant rabva tn at once Na dual or lean rlnstne costa Very low men-hy pasmenta Shores MO 6-So65 Shnrea 6847 fi 4Cth fit 3 7 blb finuthUnd Co Hi 4-4636 1 'In IZ 62VD fil FAIR RFALTY Mm ST 12n 57TH ST 1280 NW 57TH ST pen today 1 to 5 pm have 3 bedrooms $79" DOWN OWNEfi EQUITY corner hoe buit in Trc aid rvr fne r'ff PT BPAVD with large rflma-lFnrid rnorq5 OpEN 7 TO 7 Br'k'at 'LOVEXY 2 bedroom CBS ti fea- PL 7-1645 J1AJ 5-7- rpk ini ouhaa-heE i tures hardwood floe Ft fw'vVjr' rfe wrh 2 hnra room aironndUoner tertrai -w FX LT I FEAT! PFW car faat 1 lardcahed haing rre yard Extra gone MONTH CAPINFiS TILE rep g-a-r-rar Frnm $19WT-h $2 rO0 Tofal $18 700 tn of Hammond grad 5 i-iT cash A A puk Reiltors Fi 3-0711- Fwe HI 35 cor qc0 ITH $3 c-q oetl Av 2 baths houe'hs CfHGPFn 1 Vuit the home tc 512590 j33 I6it Terr $2 VO Do Brl-ArReity 253 fl 77th MCE LOT Realty 253 fl- 77th r- DOWN DOWN OFFFRFD BY BUILDER TU 7-5314 CR TU 7-3317 $495 1 3 BEDPOCVVI Eurn I CntutnR52ai 42nd Ter DUPLEX 1 bedrnntB tttO-U'ed a 141 Pint $800 DOWN 2 brom Cnfi Only 1 rTre-t SAn month Hurry PL 4 792 FTRNIRHrp 3 PFDROOM harewnd owner a Lin ranorc barbemi" 50'b fit 4 moa $63 'i jPauixner Reaitnr TU i3 PEPRoovf rFfi fprrnffo 111 500 JimO oow Orn to1 3721 AVF 5 890 rh Bt-VJ 7-8632 3 BEDROOM 2 ba'h Direct From Owner $650 DOWN LOVELY flnme furnihd Larae vmg d'ning rnm kitchen Reau ful lawn cim tn anop- Plnt and buet yght In No Be? I qua if? rg lw BOhtby pivmynt Open flooo to 5 Cm hath built and St 4-6724 BY OWNER rail er drive bv may be what ymi want oend 't-ri rpenflB 53333 5160 fl ilftthAve Biscayne Cardens UTTTE ESTATE $4W DOWH BEDROOMS BATHS MITT BEE CO AP-PFriAT 7TH AVENUE REALTY 14647 7ta Ava MU 1-231 Icve-atien Hut air nd-ttinirg Hren fiat -Sun 1-5 27bl fi 4th fit HIALEAH reduc- 8-5257 bu'lt vara tn naroh al room F-i' a Cia Mfi tub btsanee POWELL TU 4-4693 Iea IMVTDIATE POfifiEfifiTOfl 41 13A1H AVE 3 BEDROOM 1 ba'h d'nmr rqcm lnirg rm 18 Floras rtcm Bu'ltin tnvw and ven Thi rm- BErb'D tranerd Netr'T de-- teiy Furn 2 vir od hme I rd bqrAnm 2 Cs5 cln hvrliret xrahr 'Afegy fi4 V'lml Jf P'gh 4 dr- rr fenced 75x100 lot 6 anytlma Owner Owow HI fi-2465 6c 8 $Ut 0 tuw in town 3 -pefjroom 2i CBS new hardwood BEDPOOMfi in "ven acd nr Will rnew asorgagg 331 mi fl fit Fhtmg TD 4-267 14tH hu Cwnty Faiakner flealtorg $2 50 8 REALTY REALTOR TU 8-5257.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.