The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)

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The Miami Heraldi

Miami, Florida

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Advertise Knowing You'll Receive The Fastest Possible Results Phone 9-3711 Mrs William Parker Says "Room Rented First Day With This Rental Ad Wonderful Results FIX ATS entrance aa ca'a y- St l-j'tt 151- roi SMX-10TJ ro LOTS IJ58 THE AE1GHBORS MIAMI IIACH 10TS B7 Gtwgt arW WDPSTRIAL SITES IS9 CR0TE3 ACREAGE fARSS Ttty M'ttrj Ifil THE MlaMt HCBKP' HC 22 UlTSt jAUJkPAriAJa sacrifice let broker and i-dtcox tr-UtX ewcsu nty eatec -11 iS0 CBOVtS ICBEXSt HUMS jISS CHgTtS KCHMIf rAS i 6t berween 3Jra and Isth -t' i i boaut er a rra 0-308 ACRE TRACTS farm land AC8ES Bear Fater St 7 GOLDEN BEACH at Two ONE or the few residential fos lie I left Mf Mth St an Bva 83500 er total Bat Rxeiv Hit 3rd Ave tBJl Wo'farth v'tS tOTS wT for too? mokes tit-nn Setna ehlcaea fara osr out tar'ijb area 40 per aero! terms LOT HEADQUARTERS AMIS a PACE FEAT TOR an coos urau jCasiea 30s Aratoa Avt HI t-ZMl Estate 325 BEACTTTCX 1 Tbomaa PR 4-4ai2 31 Jnd Ave Pa 3-16i a adjoining tuple lot "Fiii lccI for court On aw rtrwtJiir J7 53 teHtiJCR1 tarmlard fO FT Railroad frontaea JIAGLER ST It SSTH AVI Price Abt R-t call jack focrnier 3 ACRES an dry Homestead area acr sues active location tS44 par acre se- aoan (ooa terms mm owner 33 sOa MC -i3ii trial) vuh idjt traa Itnu: i2stTrd Ave off Virginia i LAND I ACRE ESTATES Hav a several 1 acr estates Jo very desiraao not at a heiQinc er at Karket prtce-but at seninr price Inquire todsv ABBON DANDOLO REALTOR ii Seyooid Bid PR t-iSH JACK JUSTICE REALTOR AM HeJU ESIATE fa*gler NE i-1314 Golden Gate Branch 81S-6133 'Jasuca lor Buyer ads ACRES hits and dry Kendall 4 area 14 500 per (era asa oaf -ca yeara Pnco J0 a Ft TERMS Wau Dav Inc So Federal Hrhma? Boca Ratoa Fiorida arehou5 Or Manufacturer SITE II acres Sraooarr) Rallmad Good labor aiarket Fara Really KORIH MIAMI BEACH II SITUS ELEVATION 1' ruo school and shaping center a-e acres at SJOOO IS are LRU 700 call Phiprts witn Qui Rator HI -l7sf I3-J763 And Acreage INTERAMA LOTH I ONE QUARTER I KAT rrstrtrntial rnnmii and St TO 100 LOTS activa areai iffiamverl FHSVS tnnmM 1 industrial lot to Mil at ISLES BLVD BfSTvrss BROKER tiwai at tlt-alU NORTH MIAMI BEACH Bie-aan i Tl- ArOCrriDMCD 'Financing available 1 450 per lot! OIL A ND MTVERAt pncta For ietaUt ana cooipltK LOT SEAR isiisama TtKRlF- dai rH nr hrnknV IC RIZK 100' 200' OLT-OF-TOtt RESIDE NT LL lots perfect for wti inia CMDHirm Paosa HI a711 OWNER WILL SELL OS LEASE builder snyer BROKER ENTIRE black fear' toned I VERY Kendall area Ferfert SOBEl 4c WIINBCRG REALTOti sections of land just off Tatra for small builder Unaer Ask for MMHSS Tail Fii Kea Liucoln Rd JE I-4MS tilt Mtctea Miaxi WPX14I FT an 16th Bt Tfr mis cai aaunnax AA5HAW HAROLD SEOAL Rraltar Realtor TV s-Jl a i sj js per acre lerms lie 3 A CX 2nd An total once aiih snly 500 to hand: Balance EEO rash for tailiM ac- 130 ACRr awtiona ariea tl 099 aiia 1500 do an balance anon- fthiy Jos jCore Realtor PHONE MO 1-Jlt i-ja eg sie-ei4 Lots Zoned Duplex TV HOMESTEAD VrCLURB PARK HO UES (lit St end JCto Art HOMESTEAD es Blso pine in heart of Goucis 3wj casn fiaanr ISA nr mnn GOLDEN Bearh lota S4 tot Galea Realtor PA PL -9M 3 500 sr 11 HI 4-4M4 Na Rroksra 1 Kendall i 11 No Brokers Diesis 10427 a with 1700 SQfta aaanca tsft acaa 16A INDUSTRIAL area tl acre cash broker JE LOPTSVILLB Kv acre Ohia River front Toned Heavy Inatistn Inoutra wSS th Ct Miami B'sc Park 132x2M BM Cardena soxius Fuiford Huhlaads 35x133 Zontti Bumesa 17x143 Biic Garden OCEANFRONT 30 ACRES Brevard County tnly SEE lnration anel sol! bin reel res oar ollice today Daniel Real Estate Av gad 14000 1 ACRES 82nd MtQ 6 Pa 84-5J24 liot rrar Bwarn Bia Cxcelitoi location oo Caia HARStK COTrKTr fndustrtal 5ifl cor-er rJmall frame heusa Jot I7s00 Call Mr Hall BUILDERS TERMS If? ALL HIGH ptrta land Well bo 'Mlvia MeCarty Ret Broker tritena Faces en leadine street i Tit usvilie Fla 1M HE IJtrd Et ft E-oHI NORTH MIAMI BEACH -JJ27'1-M SNYDER BROKER llt-3721 or i-im us mm si rh FAIR REALTY PL T-1H4S CORNER tlta for motel or Art hotel la beautiful furf-ide 100 feet Irontin Caa be told order market value at the prire of SU00O0 er leased for 49 yeara Call VH -54Sl £aclusive with A KEITH PATHMAV CO OPEN I 10 I nei and aorta of Hoavesiead fm- HIALE AH anerat torn nf falm Avt Aa low as Ia50 Frank I f*ckinter Brekn MO i-7U- are assma oo or acratn rPR Leate loo (as station aire to It aerea teatral'y area You ran buy thia for! tl 1 and sew rut-oft PICK'N- I9TH 6T Cltxe la B-l Sxl30 prica 16000 call Mr FTirst Sm -Evfl FR ANY sise tin located With or it flout a -to prr acre j-niaen letmj son Realtor Ind St Build lease or sell Call MR FRANK Homestead pti OOLDFARB ASSOCIATES I in Bite BWd RtaUora FR 3-S43iKEAR LAKEFRONT ACRE BEAUnPtJl residential area fr the low lo price of tlJot Cur buv Bee orftAvr JIM PACE REALTOR MO 1-UZl DOWNTOWW LOT icajn Blvtf ana Jos (Core Realtor eves it i-fujM la CCBAl GaSUS iots RAM ACL I REALTY I LEW1N PHONE MO V-31I 10437 Dixie Hwy Kendall rv- A iTerroa onftalf rasa Ji-ie nowN $25 PER ACRE JUU(IHVII(lllli Cd Eicluslva FR J-5373 CALL iienrj Beiold land miih Alex SmHh 3J Mile Ph 13-5313: Eva MO l-Uii HIS 17TS AVE NE I-4SM HIGH Pine it arm Ft oavefli sil ACRES CFIAM riifhaar Bu-stantial plot vith ample parkins roaa Near toir mi pi per MILE off Tarn mi Trail 4 000! Manufacturers ai re DORN Broker FR -34J BUILDERS! WE HAVB tXITS ON DOWN AND fl'EOR-DINATION SNYDER BROKER IH-27J1 OR tit-M73 years Vol casn oaanve over ertilarte land ftFF tar toa trad ratau anops and motl locatwa uneouad tar 50X110 R-4 NEXT to So AntiUa J500O Principals only Oaser 1S43 7th St Apt LESTER At McTAGl'r RIMTORS 1511 Ponce Gasle HI t-6548 rent CaU Waiter Davy Rts MO GILBERT ft CHAPLIN TO 15 ACRES of top 1ndural location in heart of town Wonderful elevation lies directly on main reilnaw anil on a iftne 1 600 ACRES Wrxisy CHOIcr trr Malhasoa namnecs area Hi ll Ponta da Leoa HI -1j7 BISCAYNE G4PDr? tOT 150 33000 FT lOT MISfl ORATION REAU ESTATE 1250 HW UUH ST RESIDENTIAL AREA COMFORT Rd nules from Home Kit! 14 PR AWRIOP 9RVi( ASSOCIATES INC MO mo i-7t VERY STRATEGIC 10 ACRES high ntnelatid Paved roans everywhere Bt develonmeit 1 7X1C0 SOUTH VlAMI earlutiva area MO t-1431 Sunrise highway Priced under surroundings jSUIT ABLE for ranch or subdivision-at only 55c a So Ft It ready -I Large frontate on beautiful lake no waiting for development near Del and Florida 8150 rer Ewmt Realty 1343 Flamingo vt'aviacre terms Smith Box tit TU 7-2601 IT 1 DeLand Florida arbour ansa as S4TH BT Buainesa sell lease built to lull JI 1-0744 AM stead 15 acres of hih pine with I acres cleared for only 81358 an acre with terms PHIL CAPLAIN MIAMI I AND CO REAI TORS 5tt3 73rd St Dial MO 1-6483 a Da tsw CROVES ACREAGE I ARMS J0-VX54V buiineai corner at "Stm- don't mrntiun out debts! Kr niemlifr it misht now in operation In immediate sunnily Sky is the limit here tltoo Cnral Gables ne exclusive Waterway addition Beautiful Hometuet availaOia OPEN l- 10 ACRES in 17-53-Jt for IJ 500 All cash Irvine FR 4-51160 GOOrThirh land t4t teres at t2 80 Near Trail Irvine FR 3-8-80 OPA LOCK A FH innrtaa loaa-dation plana -33 Sacrifice $1 0(300 TTH BT and Jr A Corner 1st lOOilSO Zona R-l Ph i-3230 JE J-S447 upset their seme security" terms open Call and rralte oMer ROBERT REALTY PU l-'64 Attention Builders per acre Aoout cash PHONE for appointment PR 1-9I- BROOKS MELL ALLEN brows REALTOR REAL ISTJTE FLORIDA PROPERTIES LOTS 15x100 near perrtne Elevation 13 to IS Ft VVaier and eerae available Should go FHA DADE COUNTY riria uince-tflsa tntransnt Htfv For Boca Ratnn property see HI -761 MO 1-0491 NORTH MIAMI BEACH INVESTMENT PROPERTY CLOSE TO NEW BtmniNES RICHARDS AND NEW 1200000000 TRADE CENTER SNYDER BROKER 16-3731 OR l-al72 Speculators TAMIAMI TRAIL I Old ACRES OVER 1 000 FT FRONTING ON TAM1 AM I TRAIL 18 MILES FROM COUR THOl-E 81500 PER If CASH BALANCE LONG TERM MORTGAGE EXCLUSIVE WITH ORDERED SOLD Mitchell At Sons i'ie roait frantaae 3 na tiooo per lot j'i down i 1 mile wllh clauses Call Pul-OI Airport miie Federal fral 4 ACRES 1 miles West Hlehway Boca Ha ton 155 RIVIERA section 151 tier Ft Snanoer creek '-''-v- road frontage on ESTATES attorn eyf A reason la (Oust area of Cabri 159 1100' ZONED R-3 Ideal for muUiale dwel- ling and efficiency unit PRICI 113 500 Oa I 1th Ter 200' of LeJeunt Frr aale by owner Phone MO l-3ol THRU Way 1 mue road en THE KEYES CO able "all cah above the mort 160 ACRES MUST SELL HIAIEAH BUSINESS gate deal will be considered for PRIME location on Ave ISO' nw ssth St SECTION 18 TWf (3 8 Ranea 4(1 Price 9i9a acre 2" cash irus oeauntuiu mrntsnea and rom corner only iieano faim Ave REALTORS 10101 Duie Hwy Kendall Commercial SOB EL es WEINBERG REALTORS Pletely equipped Lake Section corner iff only tli3(M) ALn footage FINEST potefa land So Dade Bee Soerllne Bros 1 Lincoln Kd JE (as mutn as acres) oa tin St Moroom nome overlooking fhe famous Hollywood Beach Hotel Golf ail rr for URANIUM VALLEY AND CAVES 10 ACRES HOME and Income near OCA LA expansion possibilities treat to 1-riit attraction 4H0' on highway Sse or lease good terms Owner's Miami interest force aale Call BILL DEAN PL 7-72S3 DEAN REALTY 90(10 fTH AVE come tala tn us CLOSE-IN ACRE TRACT KO SIDE HW Uth St bM' JE 1-1211 a K1 v'r a Allapattah UOn I 39V INPXl brick home tuarters "3X Nt-A 1 t-a' boo workers auonset barn I SKY ROCKET POTENTIAL 1J Washington Ave betweeniEwina Realty 1341 flamints Wsy PrlRa AH FA of proposed Portland Cement I 100x145 Trail frontate bartsln at tiiootW Entire block-end on fonce ripe for development with extra 50' apartment site anlioinma taSOOOOO TU 7-2o(i 1U SI 250 per acre Cash aaove ttlo fiani to acre tracts as tow loo NW 37th Ave and 24th Ct zoned R-J 1S00" on the So forlt of tml River 50' on 100' aide 11th 6U A real buy but Ooo montage Owner says bring of- WATERFRONT LOTS 1 LARGE choice lots offered for 1st 4 wmu'Liv nvE wniiorrr ACRE AOE" OWN IT NOW SEE Henry Wolff Co ler see linkroum MQ 7-ioIi Exclusive with LESLIE COOMBES per acre buy now oeiore bulla int alerts and prices rise ARTHUR wise Realtor Dial HI 8-2854 tm '11K Vtr-a4 la ai rlri 1 150 Andalusia Avt THE KEYES CO 'sn an casn Lea At Co svEibui M-uuiu eutin one iiuxe area (-Zoga RrALTORA OPEN FOR INSPECTION TODA 1 to 5 021 North 14th Avenue 4 corner Buchanan Street) HARRIS-IN-HOLLYWOOD Mrs Harris Reg Broker Office: 100 8 Young Circle Great Southern Hotel) Phones: 3-4213 2-8501 Sjnsnd Eves: J-4868 120 Shoreland Arcade 8-3435 OrNE SNYDER Broker Biscayne fihopnina Pisrt REALTORS 10101 Dixit Hwy Kendall BUILDER S-AL1APATTAH DUPLEX lot 50'xi50' Rental area Midtown Realty rJS J-7UJ Riviera section 1 000 ACRrS 845 ACRE 840 ACRE ranch I mile S'ste Hleh- 251 MIAMI BEACH LOTS MINUTFS ocean near tew RurLDERS 360 ACRES finest (raring land Collier county 100 oil and mineral rlshts 850 per acre Donald Beck Realtor 600 Lincoln Rd Building JE 1-0474 Farm Grove Acreage Specialists PYMS REAI (St ATE 9265 So Dixie Hwy MO 7-6481 way 4so acres improved equipment and irrigation 8 room modern Smvrna Beach 3 miles on Atata HERE Is your chance to have first Golden Snores with Private Orpan Reach lis ri aonca I in tiieoo BUSINESS C-J lot lM'xlfJO Ie Jeune Rd across street from Gables Hi A steal at 113 500 LOUIS EDWARDS REALTOR 261 Alhambra Clr HI 4-1687 home Furn Owner Rt 1 Box 144 a Hi KIT WEST REAL ESTATE Arcaitis ri cnoict to ouy lots new development east of Blvd Bavlront Hahvtay 40 BROKERS COOPERATE FRANK A MARTIN 4 10-7 1st Bt MB CHOICE residential corners ail alr-i MODERN Motel Key West Bearh canal and Inside lot Sewers water 2S0-A- H0ME BUILDERS Florida Acreage South Central Fla Not Evergladts Approximately 33000 Acres Operated as ranch now Part suitable for farming All Fenced Features are 10 Miles Power line Miles 8tate Road 4 Miles Railroad Includes 10 000 000 Board feet pine timber 560(100 board leet cypres This is authentic timber aurvev Price 840 per Very good terms Wonderful capital ills Investment Cnntact acreage Dept Town Properiles Int In the Heart of Sears Town 21 Federal Ft Lauderdale Ph JA -335 area It rooms 4 Apts Money lnhts First come first served Call must sen Vltner ipterests DEVELOPER'S OPPORTUNITt PLATTED and recorded sub division on State Highway No adjoining scenic and historical Phillnoe Park About 1 mile north of Saie-ty Harbor Florida weet Coast Health Center Now available for development or to be held for investment Improvements not in but power and water avails bia at moderate installation costs Total of 171 lota tAo-Prox 30 acresi Ideal for retirement community 800-000 00 Attractive terms if desired Write Condon Realtor 425 Cleveland Street Clearwater Florida ea ah improvements and paid for Also inside lots Rulkheaded bayfront lots all slws 150 fl deeo Priced to sell Collins Ave motel and Apt sites Ocesn frcintaee 1S730 COLLINS Ave Pb tK-3043 Box 428 Key West or Ph For acreage Homesllee lsk to one of our end Investment Counselors MIAMI LAND CO REALTORS 5942 71rd St Dial MO 1-8483 artnur nieisen tor appointment HAMILTON INC REALTORS 1335 NE 2nd Ave Phone I4-34J1 4 LOTS Hialeah close In 4 iOfl to tal FR -49ft RALPH ROLE CUSTOM built homes on your tot reasonable Assist with planning tnd financing Free estimate 1094 f4'h St PH 894704 FOR HOMES riA KETS PROPERTIES APT site Euclid Ave near 11th 150X100 LE JEUNE Garland Ave Corner J9500 Call before 11 A 9-3874 Owner RIVIERA 10V LOT SJ500 NO PHONE INFORMATION PLEASE Fred Thomas Inc Formerly Homer Stone At Assoc 141 Glraida Ave HI I-M33 JE 1-3780 owner JE t-370 0A1EX ON BAi- deep water J'500 Terms Billy Conner Reai-tor Isiamorada-Ker Largo NOBTHEAST BAL HARBOUR READ MARTIN As DAVIDSON ACTIVE ofterlnss totaline 4ftOWi0 acres in good buys upstate lands In large or small tracts ranrhes farms groves timber hunting Speculation cheap land Ctll McGi-boney 84-3o31 LO SMART Investors and speculator ere buylnt HIGH land tt LOW prices I have a limited number of (and acreage buys on the nigh ridge along the East Coast and Palm Beach end Broward counties which will pe in eommuter'e distance to Greater Miami as soon ae Turnpike is finished Greatest potentials for Investors developers and speculators Interested' let's make an appointment lo look and see Paul Hof Realtor Axbl anores ad II lest line bath 519000 )Lt-Ojt ROMFR I BAtlCTTM BILL ACKERMAN LTD "Selling the Florida Kern'1 322 Ph 3171 Marathon oeoroom BIRD RD NEAR lUDLTJM LIBERAL business ronint tor- ner lot 100' on Bird Rd for 15000 Must be all cash Just nut on the market Better hurry Call exclusive arents 1 HICKS REALTY INC 495 4th Ct HI I-47S1 Box A CHOICE fully oulkheaded waterfront residential lot in this sun-erb community hss lust become available at a most advantageous price Club membership required Fit CUTLER ROAD AREA 450 FT OP Rlverfrontaee 3 Acres du ple x-aptci ALisra Hest buys all sections BAT REALTY ttlf I 2ND ATI basin and efficiencies 870- of FOR 1-5-10 Acre tracts In this sec in neart oi residential a TO SETTLE ESTATE 75'X100 Cloe in 16000 Also lame corner Biscayne Bay section 17500 HILSON REALTY REALTORS 3352 Ponce de Leon Blvd HI i-1855 "A GOOD DEAL" New Smyrna Beach lueal for de run or terms Marathon on Boat Key Channel 4S acres hith- tHAKUS rt MARION BUTLER REALTOR 9577 Harding Ave UN c-2423 velopers or Investment Jo ooo tion call Henry Bernld land specialist with Alex Smith 38 Miracle Mile Ph 13-8213 Also 2 acres fine man land near noi ana Dy bottom 1055' finished dock water lightg electricity 30 ACRES 1 miles from Homestead all high pine plenty of road frontage In the area developing beach tlOOO 00 MARGARET STONE Realtor 419 Flagler Ave CORNEB Apt Sit 65'xl80 HIALEAH WX100 ZONED R-l J1750 100 X135' ZONED R-3 S4500 ASK for Miss Taft Bleat Realty Realtor TU i-4681 NU BILT HOMES INC 3 Bedrooms 2 Rth Best Miami home area Easy conventional finaiicmt ONLY tl 000 DOWN See 1048 NE 146th Bt Call Bennett lifter Jt 8-3822 1 block e- irom riamingo rara NEW SMYRNA BEACH Golden Olsdeg at 2nd Avt 100X100 LANDSCAPED Near Riviera country Club 110x110 corner Riviera Dr and Ronda DANA WOODMAN REALTOR Ph M-3534 Merrick Way so moon per acre uooa terms ACREAGE 2200 acres 822 per acre 3 miles of Drainage needed Marion Real Estate Rl Box Oi ala Fla posure Ph JE 1-9111 "'cuius launory room telephone 1428' canal frontage island bridge 14J- channel frontate Box 8W Marathon fla Call 4471 tl-59t Eves tnd Sun 816-6185 Call MO 1-250 OCEAN FRONTAGE COMMERCIAL HARBOR ISLE APT BITES JANES 244 FT FRONTAGE by 612 hlh MIAMI SHORES LOTS 10' BAYFRONT cut-rock fill fno Dlllna reouired) fine seawall elevation 1440 per rt CATTLE Rsnchet Large Everglades tracts: rhean laoris Fn 1-2117 DUPLEX Apt lots (5x125 close In An opportunity here 13250 Phone Dan Wheeler broker NE 4-3071 10 ACRE TRACTS $100 DOWN til 90 PER MONTH iieooocASH 1 MATECUMBE BEACH EDITH TAYLOR ASSOC Ph LOWER FURN 1 bedroom homt Nice for retired couple Close to store Jus Total 811000 Morlocti Rsalty 1 2nd Ave 18-3171 1 ONLY FEW LEFT Cheapest 13 000 3 WATERFRONT APT HOUSE 209 Mrk Te mi ant 038 du Pont Bldg Realty Company Inc On 6 1 at Kendall of Miami 0 MILES SOUTH OP MIAMI 3MB Burton rteanor 8 Federal Delray Beach Fla -term Also iwr on aeawau jumw BRETTELL BROKER Pi -614 Biles luuAwu nrot ia-aiijoj HERNDON REALTY CO Realtors A ACRES in Sweetwater Estates 050 6th Ave PL 8-3683 1V ACRE oil 103nd Ave and Miller Dr 82 500 81 000 down 839 per month Ph 83-4970 or HI 8-1140 OPEN RT-1 fc'droom 2 bath home CBS and brick completely Furn Beautiful lawn Fast boat tV con- 83000 cash Trlpn Broker 7345 3 WATERFRONT APT LOTS 27 ROOMS 1 store room 24x70 Ft 3 lots on corner: all furnished HOLITWOQD REAL ESTATE riagier mo l-tiot FACING EAST NEAR SCHOOLS creio aocs i oiock Irom ocean on EL 23i ACRES near Homestead Armv OCfcAN riiSluitutJnuo rrtnHi NOW 28500 ACT OUICKLY JE l-71ti8 OR JE -19i7 Doing 840000 a year tvlll "s- -'rL10 FAST ROWING TTH ST ZONED B-3 HAVE vacant adjoining de-velonment of bo new homes and next to new store under onstructton and already rented Sell all or part at 1 1125 front Ft This a real buy HICKS REALTY INC 4 48th Ct HI 1-4751 "i "a1" never lived In Total price IJ5O00 Terms arranged Seen bj appointment only Phone owner MO 1-0768 tl nftn mmi terms roine Ant nf nrw 80 acres 11000 tcre 300 aires 81335 acre In fast developing NW 2Sth St trea 23' cash balance at 5' Ethel Meyers Realtor 110 Ctirtiss Pkwv Sormas Klr CI nkeehnhe rnnne v-1-1 HOLLYWOOD BEACH MOTEL BITE 11 ADJOINING lots between Intra-Coastal and ocean Total area 35930 Bo Ft Price 875000 Terms Klumpp Real Estate 31 So Fed Hwy Danla MOTSTL-APT SITE A SMALL investment in a touare 10 acre of tood LORIDA LAND For rlriails tnd brochure see LESTER At McTAOUE REALTORS 1518 PonctC Gables HI $450PER ACRE 840 ACRES ONLY 5 MILES WEST OF CAROL CITY AND ON 77TH AVENUE GOOD TERMS CAN RE ARRANGED EXCLUSIVE I IST1NQ RAY MORSE A Cantor Assoc REALTORS Fla THE finest remaining corner on VERY HIGH City 48 PINE lots I of Florid I teres) SB 000 MOTEL units CBS modern build Harding Ave at so tau owner -201t after PM TU 8-1517 or Eves Dlldine TU 8-325B I' 1 years Ample space to ex- 7 TO A TODA? 1 888 MND ST BEAUTIFUL PARK PLAZA IT TAKES CASH-but wsit until you see the beautiful vie overlooking the Bay and this I years new CBS tile roof gpscioug 1 bedrooms with 1 tilt baths select hardwood floors unusual living room bit Florida room spacious Thermador kitchen and roomy a'-t ached tarage Large tttrtcOvtly landscaped lot HOILOPETER AND POST INr 40 St Mitml Ave Rd IB J-737t REALTOR OCEAN FRONT toial price SIUART REALTORS PR S-1009 FT 1ADDERDALE REAL 1ST FT LAUDERDALE REAL FT LAUDERDALE REAL EST iuu ncBson tor seiiine arquired excellent position Small down payment Sea Rsnch PO Box 122 Key Largo Fla 200 ACRES for only 8500 per acre NEAR Krome Ave ilOOOOOno re in tne tropica THE LAST OP THE MOHICANS NEAR PORTLAND CEMENT CO 180 ACRES AT 8128 320 ACRES AT 1125 29' CASH 140 ACRES ON TRAIL 8325 us t-P11 4 ment-plant site corner tract 120 Lee As Williams Co I ll I-3B8 FOR SALE by owner New duplex FOR rent cheap 1 partially Furn units small stores Oceanside Phon Mt BENSON 350 LINCOLN RD small down payment we win car ry the mortgase No brokers Elsie ACREAGE 1 1 11 Lincoln Rd Ph JE I -03M 25ACRES Whitney rnone losa-j nomesieaa 10 Acres OPEN EVERY DAY 9 am io 6 pm Fla 1 TRACTS of 1000 to 10000 teres Waterfront New 13008 CORONADO LANE Coronsdo Harbni--Keyslooe Tlael $1742 iZ CRFS on HW 1 or 7th Ave 37TH AVE end Honey Mill Rd in renter of Carol City ub- MILES TO HOMEST1r 'KV frontage Pompano jxcfLLENT commercial iHM andONLY ft RFAUTIPUI TREES ON PROP- division 3 soo per acre pnong own- htilldiiiKs FRTY OWNER TRANSFERRED TO!" PL FAR EAST AND CANNOT WAIT DOWN and monthly Large lots waterfront park ewlmming beach Largo Sound Park Drive south on 1 82 miles south of Miami on oceanside 3 mile? below Jewflsh Creek MO 8-8294 Box 287 So Miami A IDLE At ASSOC INC 227 MAIN ST ORLANDO FLA PHONE 4-5081 1 BEDROOM 2 bath central heat built tn kitchen fully teeorated aea will dock landscaped Sales price 132 500 817700 mortiatt 21 year 4'a'l amortisation PERRY WIlllTS INC 9060 fth Avt 88-2024 wmrt 4 Bedroom 2 Vz bath On 10 Acres of Sunset MO 7-6461 inn rvre ACRE HOMESITE 85000 terms owner BEAUTIFUL horn with exttt ltl THE OWNERS of this lovely CBS BEAUTIFUL Key Larao 88Sfx) Move near Day ano 1 I5tn St If 4 i I 1 on tor su44 eee Biuy Conner Realtor nome nave just reducem tne price to 917560 This located in finest section of the ftedlsnds tnd has excellent terms Call Pullum if rUH IV1AMISBI fHll'K UHl-r tig 000 WITH TERMS 10 Acres MOTEL SITE KROME AVE 832000 39 DOWN 5 Acres READY TO SUBDIVIDE INTO 1370 157th St 1 BFDROONf CBS urate oak floors tile rool blinds tpplltntea Priced 811800 8000-ACKE RANCH 3900 ACRES timber 3000 acres Improved pasture 1100 acres bearing trove 80 miles fence 1200 cattle house barns equipment Only 8110 per acre Box Q-50 Herald Ocean View Apts 8 Units $55000 EFFICIENCIES and one-bedroom apartments In Deerfield Beach 100' frontage on State Rd A-l-A within walking distance of excellent public beach end fishing pier Beautiful ocean view from second floor apartments CBS Built in ItiO Room for expansion High rental area Nicely furnished Owner forced to sell because of Illness Reduced 810 HIGHWAY TO HHT 958 Slarreit Will Give with the 40 Acres Acre ALSO 80 acrei at 817 80 cr Monroe Co 80 miles west of Miami Title Insured 60'i oil rights 10 acres cash or terms 81S acre Never again at these prices Free map and brochure Mr Wehb Ph 89-8836 Jones Realtors 38 102nd Street QUALITY small home tine loca MO 7-2573 or 117-3928 Brocflurt on reouest THE KEYES CO REALTORS 10101 Dixie Hwy Kendall FLORIDA PROPERTIES tion rum t9o 72H4 Ter bPfcClALISTS since 1924 In choice UNDER THI VtaNWAM TR an Tropical Southwest ONE ACRE ISTATfS LAND HAS of Hallandale inn Firs 25 Homes Sold 1 ACRES Fst acreasre: waterfront: Islands highway frontage: buslriesi opportunities JEPFCOTT LOVELY bedroom home with po Ilshed Birch floors terrced ptt-s barbecue large back yard 818880 well financed PL 8-7828 CARR REALTY 10780 BISC BLVD PAKH-L1KE BEAUTY AND COV ERED WITH ORANGE- LIME AVO CADO PINK AND WHITE ORAPfl icnmiciiLi uu rirst eit Edison t-4421 Fort Myera Florida! 0001 Bateman At Co Realtors 2401 FRUIT TREES ONLY 82000 PER Atlantic Blvd pompano Beach Phone 7175 INVESTORS 14000 ACRE RANCH WITH 4 miles of stale highway frontate fenced and cross fenced 1800 acres improved pasture some limner All land under oil lease This tract located in an area beint advertised na LARGE sineia home Good Income AUKS 4500 IJOWN rn y-iKS ed FR 4-0881 4Todown SOUARE 40 acre corner high pine Homestead area 82000 acre release clauses THE SOUTHLAND COMPANIES' 1812 Ponce de Leon Coral Gables HI 8-4441 Ext 21 or HI 8-6131 CUBAN REAL ESTATE Merrltt Island GOOD PUT NEW DUPLET 125A Mlih 61 'c-rlf1'1? Miami Bast 650 ACRES North and Eastern Cuba Kay Golone Realtor HI 4-4031 i I 5 Acres BUSINESS AND HOMES1TES CORNER PROPERTY AT NATIONAL ATTRACTION 'MONKEY tionally A1 c'oriaa tsig ooom oi duo to Government soendlne mil BRAND new 3 bedroom each side grade A location Close to every- NEW Ant Hotel 10 units fabulous Missile Base Free lnfor- $36 1 I beautiful neighborhood business owner retiring Sell ell or interest Box 14J isle of prices tor auict aaie mas py tnen rail PER acre la the price with times write or see us about Merrltt Island Hearttiuar-Mamf It Building fines tcuba) JUNGLE! BETWEEN US 1 AND ROUTE 27 ONLY 415 010 85 000 tood terms For complete de- CKEVELONB REALTOR 14-1319 2S9 INDUSTRIAL SITES IV ACRE HOMESITE $2250 tfiOfl down 815 monthly MIAMI LAND CO REAI TORS 5942 73rd St Dial MO 7-6483 Grand Opening Week a beautiful Bathroom Vanity BUILTJN WORTH H99S0 with colorful Formica iep and bu'ilWin haiin "Mr Mrs" Medicine Cabinet WORTH $7950 ell STAINLESS STEEL with sliding mirror doors end twin medicine compartments BUILDER OFFERS taua write or can Clyde Tavtnr MIAMI LAND CO REALTORS 5842 aW 7 3rd St Ditl MO 7-841 YOU are lookinr Tor a home WWS nSl AM 9 TEAK45 5 Acres 600000 Sq Ft 23c So Ft and up HARRY SHERMAN TU 8-S228 1960 Flamingo War Hialeah Bws lrom ine ocean we have the best buy for 81S000-furnished INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED HOME wiisra on Hunaays Bait Broker at 2Vi Ac re Corner ine panrak Ehn sa IAROB riedrooint balhs sp nous living room Florida room Industrial Sites CHOICE SMALL ACREAGE INVESTMENT FULL PRICE 88 450 ACRES high nine lsnd netr Lud-him Road in acre estate ra 85500 per sere Henry Resold with Alex Smith 382 Miracle Mile Ph 83-5213 built-in kitchen tile roof ttrreiio floora central heatlne 83325 DOWN BEAUTIFUL LOCA LOVELY Hith Pint Rldee on BW 87th Ave Weat nt Kendall A Beautiful site for 1 or 1 fine Country Homes A GOOD BUY for 88 760 WITH or without railroad 32nd Ave alf fit fn Bt- HON npr FLIVFR PAtM nRIVT THE SCENIC ROUTE THROUGH field Beach WATERFRONT lot Ft hoat in-3 'Ottage Nearly new 3 mil" by boat from ocean MU "aj7 01 MUmt- 7 000- LOTS LOTSiLOTS $99 TOTAL THE REDLANDS NORTH OF Smith or Bill Wolfarth James Pace and Associates 310 8 2nd Ave Ph 82-1621! OPEN 2 TO 4 DAILY LOCATED AT 1500 13TH PL SAN MARCO ISLANO George Dawson JBDILDER FR 4-2238 (2-2424 PICK COTTON SO MIAMI'S FIRST REALTOR COTTON INC 58 ACRES near Delray Huh sandy rldce 1 Mt Esst of Ocean 81200 per acre 60 seres Military Trail near Delray 8800 per acre KaMer Ph 5320 Delray Begch Fla INDUSTRIAL Sties All met ell lo HUM COl CAM 40 Acres cations: all or ce th or with 5830 8 DIXIE HWY MO 1-8371 out trackage LOBECK FR 4-6892 120 ACRES 1160 Per acre aLAI" fhlc Netted mile 1 OOOD BUYS WEPT HOLLYWOOD BY OWNER CPS tidreom 1 Krome North or Trail Juanllt James Broker JE 1-1481 bath 1145 112nd ec coei ON A CORNER ABOVE FLOOD ALL PINELAND CRITERIA 848- 34! AT LeJe une Rd between and 29th Rt 180 180 370 ACRE tracts at 82M 10 AM to 4 PM Daily ut Sun BALANCE per acre easy termi aisn 280 Oflfl 118 000 DOWN OVER 5 YEARS in tpunsi city only 30 mtnute from Daytona's attrac- ftISlJf'r's7l nd A'k'ps ReHor S300 7th Ave 88-1815 84-834t acres with 4 mile water frontage 1 BOS TO TOWN INSIDE and corner lot with or 840 ACRE ranch 480 acres lm-without RR trackage proved Home 825 000 Equipment Tom DuPree At Sons Ine JE 8-5224 1 mile Fronts main highway 7 Big snake Creek cans 8400 per acre easy terms the above to be sold only as whole tracts Brokers irrr imtles from Arcadia Priced to sell 1320' on RR 40A 4 mile North Ft let once 85 noo BRDROOM fiesr Shoret completely F'urn 846 J4 per month includes taxes and insurance tll -aoo total Swan Realtor lot If 79th Rt PL t-8990 cooperate LEWIN INC Real MELBOURNE Beach lot 120x150 t20 down 820 month Miami 8-0187 Lauderdale 83000 acre in tiler Jr Realtor Juentte James Broker JE 1-5481 I Phone 6 Arcadia Fla 10 Acres Orange Grove tors Exclusive Agents estaonsned H8 Years Lewln Blria 319 tl HOLLYWOOD HEAL ESTATE 25S- HOLLYWOOD REAL ESTATE 255- HOLLYWOOD REAL ESTATE Und Ave Miami FR 3-537J or FR 4-8519 Ask for Mr Lewin 2(0- GROVES ACREAGE FARMS ROAO FRONTAGE LINED WITH COCONUT PALMS SMALL PACKING HOUSE ONLY I18W10 WITH GRAND OPENING INVESTORS 20 Acres HOMESTEAD mm LESS THAN 11 000 FEET WEST OF THE INTERSECTION OP US ll AND KROME AVE ROUTE 77 NEW SUBDIVISION PAVED ROADS RIGHT LP TO THIS HEAVILY WOODED PROPERTY OWNER VISITING HERE FROM FOREIGN COUNTRY WANTS IMMEDIATE) OF "LOOK" HOMES THIRD SECTION STILL IN FULL SWING Stop Rj! See WluJ OVER 130 "LOOK" HOMES SOLD IN PAST THREE MONTHS I i I esu uriLr iiioo res scius CALL MO 7-5571 OR 817-7182 REISINOER LAND INVESTMENTS THE KEYES CO REALTORS 10101 Dixie Hwy Kendall four Credit is Good with Siarrett Anyone Can Qualify: Veferans Non-Veti Retired Folks A 2500 HOME YALUE FOR LARGEST HOMESTEAD AREA HIGH pine land on Pa'm Drive at Florida City tt 81500 per tcre Cash or terms DEVELOPMENT IN THE MODELS 2 3 BEDROOM CBS WITH CARPORT AND FLA ROOM CITY OF HOLLYWOOD WATERFRONT 18 ACRES Mitchell Dr Near Cutler Rd ready for immediatt development Price 141000 terms COCONUT GROVE REALTY CORP Realtor 3480 Main Hwy HI t-2133 OR NON WATERFRONT WE OWN 1200 Aertt of FLORIDA land asttmbltd over period of several years Sr Andrews lay ap aoiite rnom City fronting elit on Grand lagotrt land located betwtea Panama City and million dollarg ef developed fceoch arts In direct lint de-telapmenf for Panama City which has 1000-home thtrf-eat Imoeiinotive tltvelopment w'll make this tract de-tirabt flnt-homt residential taction Cos bo tied la with my present Gulf of Mexico loach development only 1 SOO feet away WE INVITE ttffieienf capital ta join tt is tha development by purchatinq one-half AT 1ELOW-MARKIT on lonejterm pvrchasa and furnishint tap Ital for development Let my stablitlied nine handle tales Or will tell outright Thit It opportune moment for development Growth of Panama City and envlrent it attracting national attention Present comparatively law price of thit tract male our tffer worthy of Investigation and actios by alert Capitol Wirt er Phon SAM HEARN Developer Bex 177 Panama City Beach Fla Phone AD 4-2181 Phone AD 4-2181 HOMES INDUSTRIAL potential near Sn-per Creek 10 acres 1425 perl Cre" Call Bob Ftulkner I SLEW'S REALTY TO 8-48811 ALL NEW ADVANCED 1956 STYLES 10 PRICED 278 '8695 FROM 5 ACRFS farm ground near Hialeah S800 per acre Small down easv payment MU 8-4414 HOMES READY FOR IMMEDIATE HOMES BUY TODAY MOVE IN READY FOR BUILDER 3J WELL located lots within active i Lauderdale subdivision streets and! water are In property FHAi approved 12 250 per lot with term to be arranged TT PAYS OF'P I 5595 D0WN OCCUPANCY 840 ACRE ranch for 888 000 i ed-i TOMORROW LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS room pain tss nome ivorrai and sheds 480 acres cleared 29 balance rears at 8ft BEIOW MARKET INDUSTRIAL SPECULATION Drive Out USr TO FIND folia Ntrth Asdrawt Avt (Ft LitrJt44lt) atrtk a 14th Srrae (deaej etna) tax I left eot Block thei tan RIGHT North Adrtwt Avt It teniiat fellow it trll tht tt Starrtrt Homtrt ttllt tvfyesej North Atdrtwt Drlvtt-la Thtstra Starrett Homes 1(CG Ne ArtfJfawt Av Exttnsiori FT IAUDIRDAL1 FLORIDA (MODELS OPEN FOR INSPECTION EVERY DAY) OVER 1-3 mile main track frontare on East side railroad at only 112 50 per Ft 832000 cash with 3 yeara on balance 26th I BROWARD COUNTY 360 ACRES mile main road I0HNSON ST ni North at the lay Notional lank and Commercial A lank Referencet woed) Tort west 4 Itth AVI eink Panama City Florida Tvra esrtk Itth Ave frontage onouio oe ready lor development in near future Prtce J385 per acre 39 down balance 5 years tt t1 ANACONDA REALTY OO Realtors J0J a Las Oias Ft tauderdait Call Acreage Dept JA 3-1411 Night or Day teveiteet est aOtWAN JOHNSON a M0HIS JAte Ave 4 lee It ter HOMES IO0E MOoiX H0M8J a aaa as a a -a a a a Laaa -aa -a S-a rftat at at at aa i a-1 a.

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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.