The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)

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The Miami Heraldi

Miami, Florida

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Value Beyond Compare Is Yours With Every Herald Classified Ad You Use Ph 9-3711 Mr Sunderland Exdaiced "Sold Wcsher And Tubs First Day Verv Pleased J4YTCe rer ana eeniuD I'll EE --ni inn A-e Hi ret iots rn kits rscpnTrts cboyis acbuge hums crlx axd beak it it THE MIAMI By Lictaty CSOVI? HCBtHuE TUSyt 163 CUCVtS TUFMJ Sitaay Fbrujry 4 Bedroom 22 Bath 1 1 1 1 1 ten HCMtJ KOMtS BALCLM BILL ACSERMAN LTD-Sf-- For-e Kf" Bui 2iJ Fa liarauiaa about ji achis 2d Acres For Sale re snt-rrowts 'jWTTH aT frotit! KOfiriEST I 5 WOMMTTXS ear a-e Prc lent 83 20 lo 12 750 per tt-r- Sir £'-( MO j-isii Kaaity F4 ON 10 ACRES JlfR iHl BROKERS HO InW il 1-era K- lr OF ID An BL 1 I stAtrrim ess he ea acres hiiS land la th Clc torn OVIY 12 tun em Una Vrve! mrm ptss attfvhon bus To BABco*ck REALTY BfLt bo-i tront R-4 on 57rri at 1 110X Mr'oca Jni Ae 19-171 11:1 icici 2 comer rarnitt 10a en 6 No 1 tc-o Ccjrty A-kr i iss 2teatr nrna wito 3 cenrnoma i pa1" I oi P'io 1'a blorita fron Fit-'carre 6-orpir Paw Bo't b'--iroonis rae prva'e enuanca for income fcee Mr iion OPTS' 14 BT VSr- TUT? "2 ta Oaer anveue 11 130 It las Olas B'-rt Ft Laucerda 'A WATESFROVT BPtCIATns ATT IM ICS HTG-TWAY frontaae at IT fot is aa excellent i(estment We ha one CS 41 at t-s price Can be boctnt fi 5 JrZ 'a uVA V-r "if S5" B'ecnure on re-mst BOAT DOCK-POOL lVVESTMENT l-n'eriroiad mi PAtL ASHBURN-REALTOH Pt ti 3aa Blvd ana hir puie iw arres iront'na fich raord Dr Pe-: 'o acie i jeara Owner HI 1-1310 THE KEYES CO buxa Kia 1 17 X-V b' aid over a a sear 2 cr rp rum 4 h3roorp 4 bar morn tra! cari'iror-rf fa- Pfi-'r cn ar for r--p-nt ratal PL l-4iU REALTORS 10101 Hi Kendall Foi $990 NEW Li I 1 XavVi A GREAT DEMAND H'a" FOR racer tor in this are tQT A 49 Eles to Homesieav (or rrx--- Ia MIAVIIASDCO HfAtTORS 5U 8W 7oia ei- Di MO -(4 $40 ACRE $11000 ACRES SPT TT IEVIL bedroom I ba'h i CSS us Farioa room carpore broavrr coopcrait rO Acre raa arl lerriio tiiors Close to 1 BFDROOM atreered prclt ijjIcjs new Hird St B-tos Cen- illjor 1ft Sl'iT inirawii r- tu nn 1 UNDER PRICED jies 4d isores lor i 10 'ALSO 88 acrea at acre arug store other types of retail Mnrt Co o-l caile et XEY Large let lOO'x'l' 81506 with business Buidir also aveiiabe to Mim Iit injured jd'a oi riahte A MCI CRB Bild! tree for Wrre'' 'n iff oPf Ta I 1 10O cash balance Opposite purchaser acres casn cr ter 11 trrm OuU Stream Lccae Ooer a pram--! Jimet Hesi Realtor afain at aee prlres Free man ano brociiure Mr ebn FAIR REALTY ir Sroir ij to a rcoce i-ui lasuj 60 Bue HT -09l tor airecuoiia I I35PO TFRMS it Ceirtd a-3a Jooea BtatMa is Street "PICK COTTON" HCME sUILEERS $475 Total Down IP 009 CASH RESTRICT ED iiiASO HCNtVMOON LCDviB COMPIilELY FURS Builders Attention A BARGAIN I TrvM Biingifj tila Tf oak BO MIAMI 8 FTFrr PF AtTOR I rciTOK ix i- rt'STOM fti lit hoffiM on tout Vvt IMMEMATE OCCt'PAVCY BCNsrr or ISW DOHS 19 acrta 11009 per acre saacca tertna Artiui I Keaitor HI VI HAVr about SO lota left of BOAT- 7S MOTOR MO rMnih Avmm rinnui SFW oat? iuaie MI 3 pearonm rt carirt ana imsrcint Pre niaTes i tiie Jin orti-a ae rr of'er Northeast 4339 Jnl va -ca THE SPOT! 1 Acarewa oarcena witi-' iuMKtu a Irf to at icw prica for bortt BEALTIFLX 3 CBS erica 1 or mora lots Aaareta 408 otcroom 1 bath rool Anarema At Lauoeraaia hoiiie tarport anlri beau-Ask Jot Mr Sliv a Kiful 2 year ola rrver ived i in 10 So of -M'lTi Seen Fans Grora Arreaae Bpertaliata PYMS RIAL TATK ttl- foil SAU-HCWES iOTn-B So D-xia Hwy MO 1-6U1 NORTHEAST 40 Al 13 BEPROOM (u" Pjrn rir: i-i ism ct caJ orer i floors clja estra lot trat lenc- 000 Term-'ACRF HOMESITB of Sunset acn uooa ifrm jio -tjj en tn tranr lata fruit traea on tor So SCO lerma aaaer Pa U-ai74 lath 111 000 PL Price lit oesjroca JANES JOSEPH rORflAW Ires 740 Call Jordan S-i30l WtALTOR PL 1-1M7 I A' hipp B-oitr flCRlDA FfiOPERTIES $450 CASH feealtv Cmpanv In? 3 Bedrooms 2 Baths OW'S'FR wist move frt thi ra-cious huae has tv liv int revftro ditij a room kuchen rta utiiiy rtom and car prt sua ratio eli tile roof loraied 'ti i lot tfva'ed J' abova street Near HoU Famir Churca achoofs Speculators TAMIAMI TRAIL 1 at Krcal 6 ol MI nu I I Tl TA oa olr 3 BtPROOM bitb CBS 1 year rew CASH TALKS Total Price $11 750 aitisiavfd Ire GRAHAM DAIRY HP ACRn3 per arte Ctroor-e rvom LOTS for residence! and dipleses Merriu isauo a- prua to fu jour cah px-i- KfOXS nfrt1 ol Miami last fioa casn or tern-s Can Abnooi Cosst of Florida Big boom od Eandoo Realtor FR 4-SJ64 idue to Oo'e-Tineiit auenijnt ml- TTvrT 'lion for Mssle Bs Frea lnlor- MIAMI by owner 100 n250- Marl n-ation at all titres Write or ee fa 000 HI us aooul Mff-ttt Kaoauar- Room 0 Olrmoia BuUdina (Airic fHITAM iu Priv HaJOO i'i iaiLIKF FPAW NFW WALKER Rea 1 -v- 1000 AlRtS OVER 1 009 FT ffiONTINti ON 1AV1AMI TRAIL HIuHWAY NO 41' 15fl PER ACIli-10 CASH BALANCE i-GNO TtRM MORIUAGE a i HSrtaFfl St PL -03 Oten i la 1 I Bl'II i I 4N AS A PIN 2 BED- PL 1 IJJtll TT'n3 Mil tsiM' ROOM COL'LD BF LtfTl A3 3RD flftiturnuai oh pitcayne a Miami Inspect Today BSl'HiV'M OH I'M THE ROCK Bay 111 oacer I j- r- r- r-r-! FXCLCSIVF WITH na iosa PL -3762 an B-io rauaiier BL1WS KfcALlV 10 SPFCIAL RANCH BUY 3S0 acre rli latniliCK il land Uttl all In imrrt'ved pa-lure laewl lir cT fr horse larin SpaciiH I enrooni home plu tjest tu me 3 ritn 3 i 1 mfce to ntv A mile Hithmay fronraae Sore efMiipneat llift'je(i Contat Beams Reatr Co 114 I HAN Vn-VV AH sobfl realtors BEAUTIFUL Biscane Gardens iji'in'iit russwius viMHills FNF11AV BLINDS 71H 61 io'tv Btsrot RF 'RIoHtAI OR PANE! 1-4645 SPECfLATORS BISCAVNS Gardens loi 3M 30 r-i 91 rq i oean'T'S IIMItR AMI SUM1MM AWN 8 UNITS $55000 VerT KTeentmral just ratcorta rurn- I or Xlil fKISlINO oco bo lot 20 ti 01 NEW de'un duplex CBS bdrom 1 fa lis heu 3 0W Acra Ocean-LaK rl'T aater tl 305 flOTtt ar wnn aa-in ceflar lln net Term CiHATKiN RfcAL LST I IT eo c'eit lie hath mrh la re 11 1 1 1 bsm arn lara -Vtry MfU Kocoe: Ml be rrj-onuWe: but I arn you I'll be tty about it! ATI rifl IrHCIlNClES and 2 oae-ned-oom avomse aiio per acre Ais i-oU njj Braco 1C -om? £oi 404 Sa a ifromaie oo bta'a Rd A-l-A aithiti 6l Tract south Magnolia ucaia riotiua i Fajn Beaco I 119-U Bt MU -21j2 71 -fc -Ty Ill- ILL CONSmKl YOl'R in airt H-nn 1U7 i I dining area Beaut: fu 1 em kucnen aim ojia hens with hbtr hr and oin Mirrut brunt oak foor usai ii a a nuns a 1 a ACRF HOMFSITt 13O X330" SO OP' "Mfv Sl'NEFT DR OS 8 9TH AVE i bec-1 EKY ROCKET POTENTIAL crovis cbece mm in- crovh ckehge thrm 14 500 JULIS REALTOR PH -Jl 1" "J-n Oeneral Contraco U4as bLLL RtALTY MODERN homea VA priced lnsol REALTOR Honrs twin carportes renter of biildin vth beautiful drive tor privacy located on landscaped half ''r" Piinltlw ayatera Total prlc 122001 1 "ARNIH PL B-SSIl 81j jjjtu gt lit lff Katr acC mu- tnn nil per are BUY NOW belora bmia-lLtUKA Dr choice ROCK LAND 100 ACRES for epension Hiftl tenia! are Nicely famished Ownet furree to iOVELY 1" fcirh pir arra 14 800 Kroma Ave owner ra 4-3260 I ray 3ICS 6canlor Lake Worik mortrae email own prrmq iPayn Blid PL Lin bv oaner irrma a-Jtu Iit 9vlSA ma aiarrs una prices rise ARTHTR WISE Realtor Dial HI -8i4 stona Point 10 ACRES near Flailer and 0th! BROKERS l' OP A MILr train hiabvar sell because 31 illness Reduced 10 -OOH Battran As Co Realtors Ini Atlantic Blvd Fofflpaaa Beadi Pnon ilio 1 crBiBT specuiatiie una in 6o Dade betaeen Ft launeraai and rn-n- is a-io Torat i vr lOrh St and air Ave an jr i i bilv JV Ik Bl $2990 EACH CORNER bedroom fh CBS Hea'ed F'irll very fill and fruit trees 4 years old hsrd wood loors newlv painted EMtec-ltilv priced 111000 by owner 84-ntM new per acre Terms tamlnr'n 11ia-Q 1 7 kln a Vlv I rlJi(- Fs Lo doan payment Real 1178 I 1J7TH BT BEDROOM CBi graae 6 floors til root Venetian blinds s'ove refrigerator washing machine line ihada tree 811 'Mi total Del NI -0o8 iBird Rd exiensioii 1 on Payments Contact Mr McKimay tor 104 7aiu 61 PL l-'S0 3 112TH 8T 102rd Ave lnov dual section ii" i mit ol unooorrfio DOCTOR LAWYER CORVIR lot 'aeal location for dor tr's or lewver a oltice 105'sliO eorner Resiaental and comaiercia arra Onir fS too SOL'THLANn COMPANIES WM WEST i''s id a community of acr ement plant I7J0 per acre 24 Merritt Island CASH TEAL 5-ACRES $5C0 314S 133rd Bt-eet aown rs fu! 10 i commission Owner MO -064 I NEAR Kmrna Ava tlOOOOfori con-rren sue 10 acre 1 000 Ki month TO I-3I6I UlM' READY FOR BUILDING Call oner HI a-4C7 ar I'N -38j BIAI TOR TO 45413 le LQ 4-13' 30o9 Federal Ft Laud PFST IOCATION 3 BEPROOM CBS fully landscaped larg jaiousied Elo-ida room amines vanvti'in blinds atove refrigerator 2 utility room 4 1 morigag low payments tl 4 Aon IH0 I nath it DUPLE X-8PFCI4LIST9 Fet bas all tiors 1AT REALTY toil I 2ND AVI tTu PUT HOMES INC 3 Bedrwms 3 Baths Best Miami home area ly conventional fiiiancinf ONI tl ODD POWN Bee 1615 NI 148'h Bt ACREAGE hiah pin Und CffJrl Palm Dr near Country Cub Rd current development acuviti a We tan deliver for 105( oon to be bounrien at wih 1612 Porce de Leon Cotal Gables CUSTOM BUILT I BEDROOMS full batha tar-ratio and hardwood floora very larae walk-In closets dining room oeautllul roomy kitchen with break-last nok car porte rtrcular drive utility mom lot 71 xlli' aituated In a beautiful neithhorhood ot al line HI -463 Ext 4 Of HI 1-1360 Va ACRES 100 ACRES of huh dry land 15 miles out of Miami Approximate way About the last of Its kind tl too LAROE R-? -R-1 up Yaimaa NE 4-67 lOtl II su 000 Terms 3 BEDROOM I ba'h cash This price has been ahlttlef down from tl S00 per acre COCONUT OROVE REALTY CORP Realtors 3480 Main HI -il33 I cae farate to suit Call George 1-2571 Call Bennett Lllter Jl 1-3822 WEST COAST OPPORTUNITy Newcombe MO ly niiiiuirs riar lay or ani rq a-o noirv aia UOVTtt for cemeiery uie tl21) as arm bfl DOW N-130 MONTR With toilet facilities Custom eiiiii land tood Redtand sec Call Jam Mur lufitt J'liih liTTH Kf 13TH AVE rum or L'nfilin in exclusive By Point Call JI 1-3483 for aupnint IL0'? THE KEYES CO tion South Daae Total price only SW 37TH AVE PI LIDO 8 NEW LOOK HOMES THE ultimate in bedroom liODS Buy tat or more now BELL REALTY Eves UN 4-461S Ii A Raymond 'enstered broker S029 Tiler 6t Hollywood SACRIFICE! Choice 0 8 1 corner tllo Fran? ft DICKINSON Realtor 5 I 2nd Homestead REALTORS 10101 Dixie Hw Kendall Joseph JCore Realtor custom Mats opto dally j- OUTSTANDING S31 11? corner eoned B2 be- NIGHT Her Is the perfect tween Trail and Coral Way Ben- setuD for an exclusive ntnt tiuo fa RE 41 TOR Blacayna BUd 8855 nipitir rA new yt Krm 3 Ff oroom home i of the yd PL T-4694 PHONI MO 7-3011 81 very priced with pood terma ana citsse sjsteni Forty acre Killian 5 ACRES on lllth desirable MU l-Oi'il carport aaui ma Miami ri iirii9Vnu miiTri 50 ACRES South Miami Dr frontaa Jl 4-4711 Kendall 10427 Dixie Hal TrfE SOUTHLAND COMPANIES provea aaierfioiit tract near iea in patio loads ol i loeel PER ACRE nii- EXCLUSIVE BAYSHORE BAROAIN Home coniPleleiy Insulated 3 large 1811 Ponce de leoti Coral Gabies ly expanding resort aairrm HT 8-441 Fx 21 OoaLllie skill if huii: BEAUTIFUL acre l'rd Ct tGoOO lot off B'irse' at CATTLE Ranches Laria Everalartes Terms HI 8-340 'racts cheap lamia FR J-in 3 BFDROOM 2 it nlia and kitchen ouarters 1 Ivin room 4ft kl Only equipment IllCiUded In price Ex- ATFfiFRONT-FIITFRED POOL SPACIOUS- new 3 bedroom 1 bath JOxJ4' living room big Florid room aepsra'e dining room cedar rli'et Riuli-in kitchen laundry garage Open I lo 7 dally Binasne tiardeti 845 I Bltcayne River Dr atnut taracu lore n0 hikint Fin buildu ol best VOLUSIA County about Jl anile FIlAni JiLAln aula Iconstruction to lartie dinins rooms Souih of Iayt'na Bear-h appiox- f'ftnr Ihei rA 1 ftfl St knuctn Mara lennaiit J3 tiu ron: Boa 6 jears od Askng 23 500 iniiciy landscaped deiiniieir priced RAKES 1 RAW irooira sulta with tile baths Helo and subdivision sites' mear Kation-' RICHMOND RD one mi's at' RARE INVESTMENT REALTOR FL 14741 as ona wtt uasjnt 101 NE lath St and utnitv buildings fruit aufn-dily adtertised subdivision! has' ivoiici TO BUILDERS US ro I lisoo cam S-HelKEAL buy lor someon alio recog Sylvan Maxwell Realtor fL 1-9371 OPEN STARLITE NOME WVT I VAtttt KEYSTONE POINT 118 "Hi TOTAL 3 BEDROOMS Detarhecl urate Fireplace 75x138 beautifully land cient lor large estaolishment larre large amount of Orange orov land' ftK achl under market lit es opportunity a acrea pine garden plot for apecials In tht has innuitrlal tites with aprroxi- i choice I acre iracta In exclusive1 10 ACRfS in I7-53-3I for tJ S00 M0t) per Town Ranch area labia line for savories and car-imaiely l't miles of rill mad area 1 ot hlghaay be- all cash Irvine FR illJaOB morlgixe at 8 with re- nuhings Etc Fine plot remote from ing land Vast ma'orlty of landilnw Kendall Elevation 13 Ft re Icae clau'e NO PH1NC1PAL P4Y- buildlngs lor poultry yard includ-'hieh and dry Over 4 miles of'lease clauses No payment on mort-l ACRES East of Hallandale aon-IMENT FiEUl'IRRIl EOR A YEARS ing turkeys Thu choice propertv is county maintained roadt throuahltage for 41 years 2 new 120 000 ed FR 4-0681 Don't atl Call Mr tlahn in lre lor tha very highest class property first e'as Investment homes adjacent to property Price! I MIAMI LAND CO REALTORS accommodBtiou and is bfauttfuly and tpeealatlve opportunity Terms'omy 4 S00 per acre aith good1 ACRE I42: huh pines 8 73rd Bt Dial MO 7-63 LUXURY OCEAN FRONT 8PRFSIDE vacant morel hotel An' corner site Over 100 leet fronts Can be sold under mars' van at the price ot 1 150 000 Or letted for 9 yeara Call IN 4-S451 Ixc'usne A PAThMAN CO For your Doiiar Open rail Li 85 I72NDST 10TOBTODAT 885 52M) ST riFt't PARK riAXA IT TAKES CAfiH-bllt lt until VO'l see the beautiful view over scape lot isnuafd in a tropical setting lAl'O have other excellent values lniterms i Adair Realty MO -Ct59 mcauon owner a-iia Ol NF SNYDER BROKER liMrfs Dixie Hv litt-1131 or 88-9914 01 reached by boat and hss boat land-lcen'ral and East Coast Florid 4 MONTHS INTENStvi looking the Bay nd this 1 years a 1 ruicvru eivcn so c- sirs sec tu IBS tile roof tpaclmia 2 bed FT MYERS area Iare trea6eGnovE8 Country Estate large REar TRACT OF HIOH PINE IAsri BPACIors KKW bf1rMm 3 lieluM ti'a binii CPS PH'B 34 Fiorina rpvro open porih- uH iarif TUtt rftol extra ciofcetj Buut-n ttin-lf ateel oven and counter Tanp NOT A PROTECT A runtom hotnt rooms with Ilia baths select wholesale Irvine FR 4-8260 lrg: reached by land by paved read reage Brokers co-opratlon invite and reached by air via Fort Mvers Bnlnholter Jr Realtor 414 Air Port A wonderful Ave New Smyrna Beacb a price less than tlMcoo Check Fla with Jeffcott for et Cnast lnvert I hardwood floors unusual llvina BUILDER OFFERS INDIVIDUALLY DE410NED HOME proouciion ano oisirioui on is tl too rin ake at i'ciwn 'hrouiiiout Dane County Terrific LIBERAL TF RMS SURROUNDINO income located on 20 acrta ACREACiEJ FOR 3 MILES 6EI LINO room enf F'inrida room spacious Therm rooniv a' anr ki'cnen an WHERE TO BUY? choice hlth land AT 12 S0O PF A mentt 111 the active Eort Myers TRIANGLE eoul to 12 ct'v lotg la ta hed garage Large attractively $1990 DOWN 2 BEDROOMS I bathi apaclout landscaped rt its in MUSI 8ACRIPICE No brokers Call FR 4-4SC4 inciudna tracts of land in i Sunklst Estates )t eas terms Dorn Broker rd 4-2463 DOUBLE corner lets lib EL and Lenox JE COLDEN Beach 100 Ft waterfront Excellent location $15 (100 8 Asbury Eleanor 785 forty-lirst fit 1-0548 line lor large developments nriced tor large developments priced) HOLLOPETER AND POUT INC living ronni Florida room sjilt-iu kitchen tile roof terragao floors NEAR KENDALL? l't aore-hiih pine 8 arres several tracts 68 500 from tan nee acr iinn- fi'- MAKE A NICE PROFIT IN 1 lit NEXT 13 MONTHS CALL Hot nTMDOE TODAY ADAIR REALTY 11901 8 63RO CI PH 814-3898 840 8 1 Miami Ave Rd FR 3-7378 TT Terms for FAIR REALTY Builder PL 1-1645 tentral heating REALTORS GUEST home near Buy bed large svttertrerit tracl: nrotec'edlSf ACRES finest grailna lend term land entire llards commer- Collier county loot oil and min-cial setups up to 81 000000: high- rel rights $50 per acre Donald 8 way and waterfront up to Realtor 600 Lincoln Rd Buil-000 motels ranches trailer pa rkai ding JE 1-5474 near new elementary and Jr Hlth per acre 21 acrea lor builder 6110 0' 31 acrea streets in 8 16 01 K'l sit riniit nss room a oam Broker rn i-jotd ee tnis tinusiiai vaiua tonay LOCATED AT isno 13TH PL SAN MARCO ISLAND George Dawson BEAUTIFUL LAKE COUNTY Center Of Florida IF YOU can pay all rash hava a real bargain In a deluxe bedroom baih completely Turn almost new CBS horn on 50ih Ter right at th park Owner transferred Let It Co Reil- 3 BEDROOM 3 bath Florida room im iiey rivrriroiil nomes iei: 100 ACRES $600 ACRE APT ltt SO'xllJS' 79th tnd Ab-botL Goodmaq UN I-J27J Oolden Shorea With Private Ocean Beach CHOICE residential corners all fi-es All Improvement and paid eraae Close In Make oiler 48 cott Reaty Investments 2400 first 83 500 81125 BUILDER I 4rtlh St ru" viyers- rioriua FR 4-3221 3-3424 For acreage Homeslteg Talk to one of our land Investment Counselors MIAM LAND CO REALTORS 5943 73rd St Dial MO 1-6483 tors 82-7122 DUPLEX-BARGAIN NEAR EVERYTHING OWNER ill Musi tail Earn bed- ON onderfu! de For Boca Raton property gee Mitchell At 60ns Federal Highway Boca Raton ROUTE 13 28 MILlb SOUTH BUILDERS' Herat a BH0RECRI8T OF ORLANDO 12 two Arm veopnient opportunity lOtl acres tor Also insid lots Bj kneaded bayfront lots ail sires 150 Ft deeo Priced to sell Coiling Ave motel rrt Ant sites Ocean frontaee rooma aacn iiut is nno casn bailee monthly PL B-lf'8 8110 000 833000 LOVELY bedroom ba'h home West of Carol City and In the heart of all new development area north FREE CARR REALTY 10750 BlsC Blvd US 1 HW'Y bustnesa eorner lldi TRACT I 500 acret fin citrus land 12 000 acrea cleared for watermelon 9 300 acrea sunahle for subdividing with ratio garage hardwood $12000 FURN BEAUTIFULLY Earn nearly new 2 bedroom corner CPS heme Hardwood fionrt tarag ana ex-traa aaiore 6 mlnutet to beach Call fl'lletpl 816-J838 POWELL REALTOR 18730 COLLINS Ava Ph 818-3043 200 Ciy of Eu Galiie Near west of Opa Lotkal Now enl lino l't tcre tracis each 5-10 or 15 acrta high pine land per acre 50 acres beautiful 30 acre farm with house 20 acres in high pine HEDIANDS? 5 acres concrete home 20 acres high Pine on Avocado Dr near Homestead per acre 19 acres on Coconut Palm near Tenneasee Rd -high and dry below market per acre 10 acres gored LRU near Dade High School casn niRins tv' floors Inside utility room ail room are large and airy many built LITTLE RIVER 12 000 DOWN Missile base 83 500 Terms Call factories farming or caule Goodiper arret in tile center 01 swome ADVICE for Investors ft builders 11 200! WURN HOME PRICE 18000 WIL- outia lumner lou a ne cul at BAY HARBOUR Apt lite 40' dock all utilities Etc to 000 Ave and financier Creek propoaed Call us for detali on Utit i or weriey reatar Eau Oallie 2-265 LiAMi rteAi1 B4-uj extensions woiioemii term' BOlTTHl AND COMPANIES icavuree iruu a iiveaie aome GINF SNYDER BROKER 201 Bltcayne Plata only $22800 national UN s-nii IP YOU are looking- for a home "ONLY 82500 REQUIRED 1812 Ponce de Leon Coral Cablet NEW une oiocic irom the orean we handsome profit Will sell In one I piece May divide to suit $70 per acre 2r don 10 jean on the 82200 1 balance at 5'- LAKE" FRONTAGE ACRES 400 In lake frontaee 835000 300 of citrus land between 2 well 88-8914 47265 Ell 4-4638 Ext 4 Or HI a-JUU EXCLUSIVES! $1250 Per Acre BOCA Baton 160 acres Ml 1 New Military Trail Extension Ml on Highway block I ex- 4 tAROI hedroomt I tiatha loin nave tne oest buy lor 115 furnished Salt Broker at the Pan CORNER Apt site S'xl60' from Flamingo Park 8 ensure Ph JE 1-8111 level overslre garage lot 112x ewke Shop Hwy A1A Deertield A NATURAL TOr? a hunting torfap or rtudt ranrh 3 Bedroom 2 Bath ONLY 1 YEAR OLD CBS COMPLETELY AND LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHED 137 Custom built for owner who has been transferred Price 124000 NORTH MIAMI BFACH DUPLEX plut 3 mora renting anttt PLUS extra lot 13000 downhtn-dltt all CiENE SNYDER BROKE- Dncn ciusea on tsundayf ONLY Colored aubdivlslon on the K-yr-i $1100 Per Acre ISA OCEAN Blvd (Colling Ave COLDL'N Beach Big tuture 15x17 BAROAIN Owner HI 4-4071 gooq iftT JOSETH JORDAN REALTOR 12395 Nt 4th Ava fL 7-1687 10 acre oar aer traveled highways Cleared and ready for subdividing A aleeper at 1300 per acre 29" down ON DFFP RIVER 1 ACREAGE running into large deepl lake Close to city on very tond IDEAL TRAILER PARK SITE NEW land would make good truck farm ha lintn well ftir rpi- Nfir Lisburt 0 of Inkft front ft The bt nnntna trouwi lflfal fifilVru Oornj rinrh land Jt-00 81 100 II 850 184SS DIXIS Hwy 816-37J1 or DELRAY ISA 40 acres per acre acre rinch 8200 1 980' en Military aio-o I a MO INCOME 11th Over rod frontage on paved OVFN 14 ooo in extras Including new Mavta atitnmaLie inhir HI" TV NEW building on Plantation Key over 700' highway frontage a Euclid Ave near imner JE 8-370P APT SI' JE 8-5'sO acre Only 10 pfr acr oood raifi property Thea buys don I Jut KVPN RANCH TYPE HOME BEDROOMS 1 tiled bail) 21x14 Trail FT PTFRCI 30 tth acre trove appliances Mims and ciae with 12 stores and restaurant BEDROOM duplex aluminum ganings Call mo i-awx living room gi'crien on 1 'Highway 46 between Sanford and Mt Dora Fla 13 500 cash Owner 111 Faradiso Ave Co-al Gables Fie INCOME 1820 best buy on the Keyt at '6185000 COm CftBUS LOTS 817500 41 Ready to subdivide A buy at $100 per acre Low payment TO 81 THFSE AND MANY OTHFR GOOD BUYS IN LAKE POLK AND DADE COUNTY nt iri on terms JANES Mackle Dev All thit land high ana dr and rlore in and BELOW THE ndcaoed 20 fruit trees 910 I 133rd ra'hedral'mor'gage til 140 CALL Henry Beiold land specialist ceiling cunan tile rioort Mv COMIBI MU i-osaa MARKET! Ph 89-1058 Crtveione I Coa Island netr Cocoa mer llaonn Livin alone anxious FOR LANDS PAKE CALL witn Alex Ei tomirn jz Miracie Miie Ph 83-5213: Eva MO 1-6236 Seaview awntrts throughout B'ell and pump lor sprinkler tyttem I tree and beautifully landscape! grounda Nar new Burdinea Fh 88-8338 or 88-7179 Opea to I Pinecrest Realty CAR-LAIN! BLDO JND PT OOrt 12490 llh Ave ICORNEB' Fealty il 111 take a 111 less i NEW rvS 1 bedroom 1 hath ens $99 TOTAL torn hnllt home riirataheil near 400' 1250" HIGHW'AY and ocean froniaee S'-al this for 644 000 CAPITAL GAINS' 8100 PER acre near entrance to Everglades National Park 240 or 4P0 acres JAMES HESS REALTOR MO 7-0731 10503 80 Dlxu Hwy 750 FT ZONED 1 40 Ft will ii iinaneina pear market acrrooit buses 1345 119th 8t North Miami PL 7-1687 Eves PL 7-1851 sell for all cash only per school new thnppmg center 63txHv lot Eacrilire by oaner call 118-788 1880 lftlh St BILL POTTER Your friendly country broker 811-7212 817-1583 Or Alice Lockrmller Ciearmont En FX 4-4181 21000 ACRES NEAR OCALA iSOXloy LOT high ground thort walk to Banana River fishing area AND ONL A rhobt nts net ta oner box o-178 Hei aid Ttealtv Comrtny Inr On tT 8 1 at Kendall 8 ot Miami YbEAUTIFUL ACRES READY for bulldmi Just North of Sunset Dr on paved road I acre in 3 year old mangoes wt'h irrigation tyttem Full price 8 12000 1 GAP VY ASSOCIATES INC MO 7-5655 MO 1-1889 154-rT WUDERDALE T'Kl fT UUDERDfUE BEfll £ST2S fT UUDERDALE HEAL 1ST ItrexlOV completely lanoscapen GUIDED MISSILE BASE Don miss raTTttr eoch eume nre-erva tree Small Horse Farm bock tro-n Riviera country ctuo 11: chanc to on rei Vim nmfi sineina anu OCk fl 110X110' Corner Riviera Dr and 300 Beautiful Acres iinvesiment oppor'unity 'vyniaa At-1 fishing 000 acres improved nas-kins Broker Si00 IV 7th Ave ture In the heart of Florida horse ADJOINING famous Dickey SiaWes and Rosemere Farms proven sui Ronds rANA WOODMAN REAL TOR ov-iiua area Low taxes tood YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD WITH STARRETT breedms table for thoroughbreds Sxty ae-'REAL location near Ft Llurter- HOME8TE4D 83-2534 88 Merrick Way res paved road ex'ra nice nearly tale One of the few bi tract i ACRES on paved road new residence S31 term? if na- le Conn- on you sneciila'ora-onty: from Homestead TO' termt JOHN STADLIR 375 Miracle Miie miles in the par acre 3-2oA8 toxioo 1409 ZONING ih plant on Messina FR 4-5945 celery charet Kogert Jr Il per cre j- down Bsb-developing area tl650 Realtor Box 113 Oclia co*ck Realty no? aa Olat Bivd GORGEOUS ralatial house lot 100-XI10 14 rooms 5 baths 7 bedrooms Ants Extra large kircf en living room 2 large porch lounges: also 2 garden lounges: i block to ocean In exclusive Palm Beach Ph 2-9638 for businesa or private with excellent terms This is a good Investment Call John Brau Ft Laud Ph JA 3-4027 TEN Acres on Paved 46 between Sanford and Mt Dora In-outre 911 Paradiso Coral Gabes 100 FT FRONTAGE ftcinf g-ijth Blue Rd at Abambn 81500 MO 1-7856 MIAMI I AND CO FEAnOH OOLDEN GLADF RD 16942 SW 73rd St Dial MO 7-6483 2 PARCELS Under The Market a AvnEes sina per acre Call Bob Faulkner i BLEWB REALTY TU l-4ll YOU CAN BUY NAPLES waterfront lots 0'xl08' $1195 sioo down $25 month no Interest 10T for rash Owner CC Danford Rt 1 Naplet Fla 557 ACRES with smalt fronMre on 1 ACRE 1AO-X215- 2 blocks off CoraLTHIS 60 acres all or part high Tamtami Trail at 8 117th Ave BROKERS ONLY Full 10'c commission SECTIONS at low price 8165 per acre In Collier County Oil and mineral rights Thit price won't last long Sam Sacks Realtor Call Oiadvt Brothers TU 7-J6S1 qn i vvay 40UO A SO rnmT re Si "I UUiri iin -i Borinis show 1 to 5 feet water! vd mad lerma own with mlla oaved road frontage 75x125 NORTH tide Mtrmore Are 400 Block I 15500 HI 8-1174 BUSINESS C-2 lot lOO'xlOO' Le Jeune Rd across street from Gables Hi A steal at 813500 DUPLEX lot 65 x131' heir Gable and Trai 83 600 LOUIS 8 EDW ARDS REALTOR 261 Alhambra Cir HI 6-1697 down A tood MO 1-4940 II A50 per acre 29'i deal Call MO 7-2503 tsbe also up to 11 feet whre sandy lime rock Average elevation 7 feet $1 100 per acre wllth terms This Is the best buy on Tamiaml JANES FOR sale or long term lease The finest Lake Front Lodge in Florida on private island accessible by car Suitable tor a private home a corporation reFt place cr an exclusive fishing lodge Will accept other Fla property in trade Very liberal terms to responsbie parly Ph Mr Clifton at 62-i512 HOMFFITE8 rear Kendsll tree Iran and we recommend It tor imi1 nhin) in 'ii 1 Price ranaa 12 to 2 150 per rnrn wrrva Realty Company Ine On US I at Kendall 8 ol Miami a-KT nnttvannn I 658 ACREH KROMF AX'FNtTH and Pt 40X105' CORNER Alegriano Ahambra roned 2 000 So homesita Mr' Reiett MO 7-2521 Reisa Realty 160 180 370 ACRE tracta at $250 I FEET elevation one mile front- MLKFHI KLAL I I S034 Red Rd MO 7-8843 lU8 1 HWY frontae So 10 ACRE TRACTS $100 DOWN per acre easy terms a so 280age 8850 per acre with terms Cocoa lecres wuh mile wa'er frontase This Is well under the market tor 9-016iion Big 8nake Creek Canal land In this vicinity Mr tth 100' 1 ru OLD Cutler Road fine hi nevtt per acre easy terms the above to cod -Jones Kaiiora I wi ItXTtl lnnJ da Bin Ck i ut corner $8 800 LOT HEA 411 90 MONTHLY i nix nvisn ri- tatv iiritu Dl 11 Of TER8 205 Aragon Ave HI 8-2601 Don't Sav Next Year "I SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT ACREAGE OWN IT NOW SE Henry Wolff Co tireinentor Investment Manasota err coonerata LEW1N INC Realtors Exclusive Agents estab ai iRft vx'tt Ki it eF nm nn lne ouu es Venice will buy Bice tot near oi-s hms rfnn tin mnih INTRODUCTORY offer A tmall ln-ve-fment In a souara 10 acres ot good 8miih Florida Land For complete details BEE 1 CSiTl-R A- MrTAOUE RE LTORS 10 ACRES In section 7 81-40 41000 cash Tripp Broker 7345 Fiailer MO 1-8368 bles Owner HI 8-5339 Ph 84-1001) lisiied 35 Years Lewln Bldg 318 2nd Ave Miami FR 3-5373 or ER 4-6519 Ask for Mr Lewln lots REALTORS 120 Shorelind Arcacie Ph 9-3435 Ponce Gablea HI 8-8i40 ALGERIA and Pizerro 2 50' 1409 Area 15750 HI 6-2902 CUTLER ROAD AREA FOR 1-5-10 Acre tracts In this sec I tion call Henr Berold- land 20 ACRf8 Ian developing area iiOO' OCEAN frontage 2i miles trnm Elinor Viiare on ocean to 2 ooo deep 8215 a I from Ft Last of the giod ocean f-ontsce left This is I He I HI 4-2413 HI 6-1514 BARGAIN in Krome Ave fron'are cho-ce Chic Center lo'st DICKINSON Realtor I 2nd at Hoi-nestead Ph 2422 Alex Smiin ga2 High Nar rt Myers laauo casn A specialist with Miracie Mile Ph 83-5213 or terms PL 9-099! INVESTMENTS it' FOR small ranch 4 or 10 acres of llltn Ave '2' 6 ACRES 87tll Ave 8 ct Trsll 3s 5 ACPES In Bird R-d Fermsites 10 4C IJEf? of Goulds GRANADA BLVD JUST north of Bird Rd Etst 18 500 or will build to suit SUARtZ General Contractor MO 1-5357 i Pirr A f-r MUST RAISE CASH lACREAOE 2 200 art' 1:2 per acre NEW efficiencies Aisfcitt i mr rurn 11x34: I Kt-K Ml Kr-il'O ACRES 100'i oil and mineral 3 mile- of PO Drainage nee sel 112-800 4) 1 I jrights $50 acre TWP 49S-R33E IVarion Real Esta'e Rt 5 B'x 365 MOYt IN Reai-y Co Moy'in MO 7-9244 FR 4-6137 swimmng pool Must Ph Delta 735S DADE Not Monroe or: Sunrise Harbour aa av tt gattVgy A jLi H0UTW00D REAL ESTATE MEI BOURNE Beach lots 120x150-820 20 mor'h 9-Q17 H0UTW00D REAl ESTATE H0LITW00D REAL ESTATE 'of Dade County fantastic 259 INDUSTRIAL SITES WWyAjAryEVk4J The growth of th past five years is nothing compared what It will I be the next five years ONLY 400 ACPES AT THIS price can Eiuy40 Warehouse Or Manufacturing SITE 17 teres Seaboard Railrosd Good labor market Park Realtv Ph 816-5511 gMiBrtm mm Conl Gables new exclusive W'lterwav addition Besutiiul Komesites available OPEN ALLEN BROWN REAITOR Field 6835 triraham Hi HI 6-7l MO 6-0191 acres or more wnue it iars youi Iknow whit happened to land har! a as $1:5 per acre back in ISSO'I In a few vears $1250 per acrewir I fnr rh't lan fnr infrtc Son oon so Ft 23c So Ft and up HARRY SHERMAN TU 8-S228 1860 Flamingo Way Hialeah '-JSA VV Imation 9-1783 Morris Broker MIAMI SHORES IOTS Li a Tic- if a 9tfl W' NO RIVER DR 80x100 nerl With 4 room builQing and ga-l CHOICE ratn AM Sirytrage jioicr) IXCELLiM 75' rhores lot Ba-y 100 call Mr PL J-7263 DEAN'S REALTY owner 2600 Miami Ave Pn 1496 MAKE A DATE TO ATTEND THE haiuL Opsuwiq OF OUR THIRD SECTION THIS SUNDAY FEB 5 ml Mia' 5 ACRES high and dry Kenltl! area 3 500 per icre 'a cash jbaance good terms IS ACRES 'Colored' Old Cu'ler area full price S4 675 Good termt BEAUTIFUL corner lot 107x144" 1 Best Miami Shores location Oniyi 89 Perrault PL 9-3857 I Industrial Sites FT LAUDERDALE REAL ESTJW5JH or without railroad 3nd Ave 41 8t Cal pete 60 ACRES farm land Homestead area 29 down Good terms (AVnPr rnfprrPfl i Jameso' Pace and Associate 1 1 01 a 2 AND 3 BEDROOMS all with Carports rn- I9 ACRES high tsd dry Norh 16 SVVBh tOT8Mh'pr- reaVefyHAct1vea Call 'Peei Smith or 0'n "5T "ml- J4VES 0 'Vac? riTOp 125 LOTS high and Osa Lock 3 BEDROOM CBS carport storage room GE stove and retrigerato- gas heater House about 2 years old nice lawn and shrubs Gl mortgage $53 month Owners equity 81 600 down See at 1417 Call Mr Martin Miami HI 1-9937 for appointment or HOLLOPETER POST INC 840 8 Miami Ave Rd FR 3-7378 REALTORS LARGEST 60 LOTS h-gh and dry North DEVELOPMENT IN THE i'ulc 1 rviJiL otcs An sixes an lo cations: all p-ee or with- out trackagt LOBECK FR 4-6892 8 MODELS 2 3 BEDROOM CBS WITH CARPORT ANO FLA ROOM CITY OF HOLLYWOOD WATERFRONT HOLLYWOOD REAL ESTATE 790X309 ON Seaboard near Delray Depot 3125 Scanlon Lake Worth Daae reac nu proved verv act'-e location $2100 per lot good terms 135 LOTS ready to buldj ac'tva location 8300 per lot good termt See: GEORGE KEET8 SOBEL ii WEINBERG UALTWg 1 Lincoln Fd MB JE 8-4615 SACRIFICE beautiful mooern home 1030 Harrison St By owntr OR NON WATERFRONT RAILROAD lots 50x125 suitable for warehouse salvage yard Etc Terms NE 5-7644 BEAUTIFUL 3 pedroom I bih house Large rooms on Poik St like section 3 yan old Furn beautifully In very good condition Low down payment Easy terml By owner Box H-56 Herald HOMES TRADE rent sell 5 lot? 75x142 IU-1 MU 8-3735 Accept offer 3 000 ACRES $55 PER ACPE i MILES S'lte Hy fron'ag High land minues to ocean 10 I JEUNE TERMINALS 278 13 MODERN UNITS ANYONE CAN QUALIFY: Veterans Non-Vets Retired folks! EASY TO FIND Take US No I to Ft Lauderdale then follow North Andrew Avenue Extension all the way to Starrett Homes Office opposite North Andrews Drive-In Theatre '8695 PRICED FROM AT LeJeure Rd between VAT 24th Brokers coopera'e GOOD Income Figures i block I FRANK A MARTIN 41071st St 340' lot Paved tsinr 'and" comer Int oi reo riwy area Pius urge lot fori without RR trackage I tnn MARTIN A DAVIDSON parking snore urus All rented except 11 Tom DuPree 6ona Inc JE 4-5224IACTIVE olienngs totalmr 4a0onn HOMES acres in gooo outs HOMES READY FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY to '12395 s595 D0WN In 'arte or small tra-tt ren--es arms groves timber hunting Speculation cheap ima CiU MXi-borey 84-3531 bedrooms 2 baths ow-ner aoartmept One of the very bet income locations Etcrlfice price $'000 wi'h only 822000 down Don wait ee thu bans tocav GLEN MTTCHEL REALTOP 2422 Hjwd Blvd Ph Hyd 2-829 FACING AIRPORT IUY TODAY MOVE IN Builders Attention1 I TOMORROW i FACING International iirrnrt Hoay commercial sres 100x135' and units 150 xl35' street to street Onlv 824 SO FEDERAL wood Choice corner 4 LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS For sale at your best of'er Might 29 oown to purchase or will 40 ACRES in riOidlT deveopirc Homettcad area Now yourg limes and mangos 2 000 an acre on terms TU 8-1511 ETHEL MEYER Realtor 110 Curtist Pxwy Spring trade for Apts or home near ocean Jioivwood Deray Owner PL 8-l2 arraree ex-e'lert lease SOUTHLAND COMPANIES 1613 Ponce de Leon Coral Gabies HI 4-3 Ex' 4 or f-l-" SEE WHY OVER 130 LOOK HOMES HAVE BEEN SOLD IN PAST 3 MONTHS Models Open Sundoy and Every Day 9 am 'til 6 pm (MODELS OPEN FOR INSPECTION EVERY DAY) HEART OF FEDLAND AREA BFTVVTF Miami and Homestead CROVES ACREAGE FARMS FLA KEYS PROPERTIES 100 EEET ON BAY deeo atter 13800 Terms Billy Conner Realtor Lamortca-Key Largo eie-a: is over 10 on paved roai MODE 10 OR 20 ACHE avocado grove 816o0 per acre or wiil trade tor mortgage NE 8-0377 DIRECTION: ol Krom and ol 8 I 20 acres 81 695 an acre 25re down! etsy terms I ARTHUR I WISE Feiitor HI 8-3854 EL HOMESt IT7J SiNf VE I LEE ST II Jf rsZTS YWOOD FLA I Xt 1 AVE HOLLYWOOD 26th MILLIONAIRES horra rooms US ta JOHNSON IT rjl baihs 2 utility roomt underneath NEED 1112 000 Seerifire 250 high traffic lifbtt Narth at th Eet well underneath garage $10 STARRETT HOMES 5603 No Andrews Ave Ext Ft Lauderdale Fla tubdivialon acrea near Miami Circle ta Hsllywsst fura weit1 Phone Flatted Sox and No 1 hithway E-7J Heraid Johnsn it 24th AVE Bave'apa kafff kf tura artk 24fk Ave ta1 390" FRONTACE' ON TJ 8 1 CLOSE la to So Miami plus 30 acrea for homesite vy he possioie to reioca LRU Price 1300 OOO JAMES it HESS REALTOP MO 1-0731 10503 So Dixit fiwF JOHNSON 'si In It tttj ooo don EZ payments Call Emory Ergei 19-566 rXCEPTTONAL uy lodge Islamorada $o0f'0don aey payments Must seil appraised at Wri Box 2M Miami 47 Fa HOMES M0I8IS C010STEIN 100K fOOtl HOMES 400 Ft on Trafi 83 500 Ctih 10 SM Ft on Roj-e 27 611 160A or more $35 art) 1 820 A're ranch 44 tcr Juinlta Jaaea Ercaer JE 1-5481 fvyvwAwyvvvw.

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.